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>How long have you stopped sleeping after getting a nightmare?

>Probably around 1 am and now its 3 am so 2 hours you had been woke up

>Meanwhile with your husband, Venti who is sleeping soundly in your shared room and you walk to balcony, don't want to disturb your lover to wake up

>Staring out the window, you quietly humming to yourself as you unaware that your husband had woke up after he didn't receive the warmth that you had


You startled when you heard your name being called and turned around, to see Venti who is standing at the doorway, rubbing his eye tiredly. "V-Venti! Did I wake you up? Sorry." Venti shook his head and made his way to you before wrapping his arm around your waist, buried his face on your neck since you were a little bit taller than him.

"It's fine... Why do you wake up, love?" You stared at the night sky and sighed. "It's nothing. Come on, let's go back to sleep." You quickly drag your husband who tiredly follows you and immediately snuggle into the pillow as he pulls you closer to him.

"Are you sure it's nothing...?" You heard Venti ask the same question from earlier and you shook his head.

"It's nothing, really. Now, let's go back to sleep."

>Days after days, you always receive the same nightmare and it eat you up

>You always sleep up late or even worse, didn't bother to sleep at all, afraid of the nightmares

>Venti notice this for a while but every time he ask you, you immediately change the subject or avoid the question, much to the Archon's dismay

>So, instead of sleeping, Venti stay awake while watching you sleep so he just staring at outside the window, humming a lullaby for you to hear

>And much to your surprise, you don't have a nightmare

"Venti, love? Can I ask you a question?" You call out your husband who is strumming his lyre at the balcony of your shared room, staring at the peaceful night sky.

It's been a few days after a certain day where you stop receiving nightmares and much to your confusion, you stop receiving it. At first, you thought you just stopped receiving it but you notice that Venti always wakes up late. You could feel his finger playing your hair, humming a song or more like a lullaby.

"Yes? Is it about a nightmare that you recently had?"

"Wha-How did you know that?"

>Turn out, Venti had found out about you who being stay late and of course, he thought probably you need a lullaby to sleep

>Also, Venti himself never thought it would work

>Thanks to him, you rarely got nightmare but the problem is, Venti is now the one who stay up late because of you

>And of course, you want to do the same thing for him

"What? You want to sing a song for me?"

Venti asks in confusion and you respond to his question with a nod. "Thanks to you, I can sleep normally for a while but it's my fault too since you're the one who stays up late instead of me. S-So, I want to do the same thing for you."

Venti stared at you and smiled, patting the empty spot on bed beside him and you immediately took a seat beside him. "Hmm, then what kind of song do you want to sing for me?" Venti asked, quickly laying down while you who just sat there, wanting to do the same thing to Venti like he did to you.

"Hmm... Can I sing to you right now?"

"Right now? Oh, sure! Can't wait to hear your voice~" You blush at his compliment and clear your throat before start to sing,

"She looks like a blue parrot
Would you come fly to me?
I want some good day, good day, good day
Good day, good day
Looks like a winter bear
You sleep so happily
I wish you a good night, good night, good night
Good night, good night

Imagine your face, say hello to me
Then all the bad days, they're nothing to me
With you, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Winter bear
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Sleep like a winter bear
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Sleep like a winter bear"

As soon as you finish your song, Venti falls asleep as you can hear him snoring softly, telling you that he must have fallen asleep when you sing. You couldn't help but let out chuckle at this.

Softly you kiss Venti's forehead, you muttered. "Good Night, Barbatos. Sweet Dream~"


I own nothing but this book

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