You're free.

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Yelena Belova is 17 and Natalia Romanov is 22. They have just been reunited once they are finally freed from the red room and are adapting to their new lifestyle with SHIELD which, the sisters soon find, is very different to how the red room treated them. One thing they both know though is they can only trust each other and they will not allow themselves to be separated again.


Chapter one

Maria Hill wore a small smile as she watched Clint descend from the Quinjet and onto the SHIELD base. He had finally returned from a 9 day long mission in Russia and Maria was glad to see her friend relatively unharmed as he limped off of the jet. Maria's smile was soon replaced by a frown however as she watched two strange women in handcuffs being escorted off the jet by guards. One of them looked entirely too young but both seemed completely stoic as they stared straight ahead, their suits covered in blood and grime much like Clint's. Clint walked up to Maria, bow slung over his chest.

"I can explain," he said quickly. Maria gave him an unimpressed look.

"Barton, my office," she ordered before adressing the guards behind him, "Take them to the interregation rooms please and await for further instructions." The guards gave a curt not before placing gentle hands on the girls' upper arms and leading them away. Maria couldn't help but notice the blonde one giving the slightest flinch.

In her office Maria sat at her desk and Clint took a seat in front of her and almost shrunk in on himself like a child being berated.

"I sent you on a mission to take out an assassain who has been  killing our own SHIELD agents for years. She needed to be stopped. She was finally found and I thought you were the man for the job so I sent you. Instead you bring her back alive along with another?" Maria spoke, "Explain."

"She needed out," Clint sighed, a hand running over his face, "She didn't want to do any of that. She was under mind control or something. She said something about a red room, someplace, some horrible place, where they did terrible things to girls and turned them into ruthless assassains. Her name is Natalia and I took a chance on her once I tracked her down. She agreed to be an asset to SHIELD... on some conditions."

"Conditions?" Maria asked incredulously, "I don't think she's in a place to be making-"

"Hear me out Hill," Clint cut her off, "Two conditions; one, we free her sister immediately. Her name is Yelena. She wasn't hard to find with SHIELD technology, she was on her own mission a few miles out from where we were. It was the first time they had seen each other since they were little kids, it was a really emotional reunion actually-"

"Barton," Maria scolded, "stay on topic."

"Right yes, I convinced them both, and it wasn't easy, that we could protect them at SHIELD, and that they'd never have to worry about the red room again, which was condition number 2." Clint finished. Maria released a deep sigh.

"So what I'm hearing is you brought home another two strays?"

"Oh come on everyone loves Bishop now," he smirked, referring to the 17 year old girl who was basically a mini hawkeye that Clint had taken under his wing, "And I'm sure these two will be very valuable assets and it might take a while but they will eventually fit in, they won't be much trouble. We're SHIELD, we're supposed to help people Maria and the younger one she's- she's just a kid," Clint had a more serious expression on his face now, one that conveyed to Maria just how deeply he felt for this situation and Maria trusted Barton.

"Very well, I will have to launch an official investigation though of course and they'll need evaluations-" but before Maria could finish the door to her office had been thrown open, an agent panting heavily before speaking.

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