Are we safe?

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Chapter 2

Natalia and Yelena followed Maria down the hall, holding their folded SHIELD issued clothing in their arms. Natalia made note of the turns and the hallways they travelled down, every exit they passed, how many guards were stationed at each one. It came second nature to her. There was no way she was fully placing her trust in this organisation, with these people, the red room taught them differently.

"Okay here's your room Natalia," Maria spoke, "Yelena yours will be further up."

Natalia's eyes met Yelena's panicked ones. She put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay little one," Natalia said quietly before looking up at Maria, "We share a room. No separating. Please."

"Yes I understood that I just thought you'd want separate- never mind. Very well, the bed may be a bit small, but you can bunk together until we can get two beds," Maria replied, tapping away at her tablet making adjustments to the sleeping arrangements of the agents. If Natalia and Yelena were surprised they did not show it, they weren't used to getting what they asked for, not without giving a favour for it. And they certainly weren't used to getting things from a commanding officer, nothing good anyway.

"Clean and rest up and I'll send Clint to get you for breakfast tomorrow, I'm sure he'll be more than glad to show you the ropes and give you the grand tour," Maria smiled.

"Thank you Commander," Natalia spoke on behalf of her and her sister. Maria just nodded and walked away, looking down at her tablet again. Maria hoped Clint was right about these girls, she wanted to help them too but they seemed awfully closed off and hostile, looking as though they were ready to bolt at any minute, not to mention one of them was quite literally a child. 

Natalia entered the room first with Yelena following. They closed the door, locking it before a look passed between them. Then they were both scouring every inch of the room, Yelena turned over the mattress and crawled under the bed too while Natalia searched the bathroom. Yelena stood on a stool, reaching on top of the drawers and feeling along the walls for anything unusual, while Natalia stuck her fingers into the shower drain and then the sink hole and checked the sides of the mirrors. Once they were both satisfied they met in the middle of the room.

"Nothing," Yelena huffed, "No cameras. Nothing. Maybe we are... safe?"

"Maybe," Natalia replied hesitantly, "For now."

Yelena still looked jittery, she was stilll unsure of the true motives of SHIELD, unsure if there were really no cameras in the room despite having just thoroughly checked. In the red room, they watched her every move. Nothing went unnoticed. This was all incredibly overwhelming for the girl. Not two weeks ago she didn't even have control over her own mind or limbs and now she was free? The possibility of them being safe felt unreal. It seemed unreal that she was finally with Natalia. All of it felt unreal.

Natalia noticed Yelena withdrawing from the present and moved to pull her forehead against hers.

"What are you thinking?" Natalia asked softly. Yelena just hummed in response, closing her eyes.

"Okay little one," Natalia said, knowing she wasn't going to get much more out of her sister right now, "You've had a long day. How about you go shower and then we'll get some rest?"

"Hey, you've had a long day too," Yelena retorted.

"Yes, I have," Natalia chuckled, taking Yelena's hand in hers and leading her to the bathroom. Yelena began to remove her filth covered suit as Natalia ran the shower. Yelena hopped into the shower and Natalia took a seat on the toilet lid while she waited for her sister to finish. She released a long sigh and lowered her head into her hands. Were they safe? Natalia didn't know and, as much as she hated to admit it, that scared her. All she wanted, all she's ever wanted was to be with her sister, away from the red room and somewhere safe. She wanted it to be like Ohio again. But it couldn't be like that, she knew it could never be like that again, not after all they've been through.

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