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Chapter 5

As soon as the words medical left Maria Hill's mouth she practically felt the tension radiating off of the sisters.

Natasha looked at Yelena, saying four simple words in Russian.

"Run. I'll find you."

And then Maria was left in an empty room as the sisters bolted past her and ran in separate directions down the halls.

"Fuck," she muttered, quickly calling Clint and a few other trusted agents to her office.

Clint strode in barely five minutes later, Kate closely behind, which seemed to always be the case. Then a woman with long, blonde hair entered while she bickered with a man only slightly shorter than her.

"Barton, Bishop, Morse and Hunter, we have an issue regarding Barton's newest strays," Maria informed.

"Oh shit, what happened?" Clint asked, concerned.

"They bolted once they heard the word medical, it may have been a trigger I'm not sure at this point, we need to find them and convince them they're safe here and bring them back, explain medical won't be a bad thing and that it's mandatory, understood?"

A chorus of yes ma'am's followed before Maria split them all up to search different areas of the base.

It was 40 minutes before Clint and Hunter found Natasha in the east wing, standing in a defensive position on top of some cabinets.

And it was 50 before Bobbi and Kate found Yelena cowering in the corner of a storage closet.

"Nat," Clint sighed taking a small step forward, "It's okay, I promise-"

"Stay away," came the firm response from Natasha as she eyed Hunter and Clint.

"Ok, ok I'm staying in this corner," Clint said backing up, "And I'll even get Hunter to get lost for a bit, yeah?"

"You sure mate?" Hunter asked quietly, already halfway out the door, Clint nodded in response, his eyes focusing back onto Natasha when Hunter clicked the door shut behind him.

"I'd ask you to come down so we can talk but I don't think you're gonna budge are you?" Clint proved himself correct as Natasha remained stock still in her position, eyes focused on the wall.

"It's safe Nat, I promise it's safe, I wouldn't allow for you to be put through something that wasn't but this is mandatory," Clint continued, "They're just gonna run a couple tests, make sure you're healthy, it'll be over before you know it." And there must've been some sort of conviction in Clint's voice because Natasha had moved her gaze to meet Clint's. He took this as an encouraging sign to continue.

"I can even go in before you just so you know what they're going to do, no surprises," Clint watched as Natasha relaxed the slightest bit but still remained on top of the cabinets. One last push.

"You want Yelena to be healthy don't you?"

It only took 5 minutes longer after Clint had said this for Natasha to join him on the ground.

"In and out?" She asked.

"In and out," he grinned back, leading her towards medical where he hoped Yelena would be already.

Yelena had made herself as small as possible in the corner of the storage closet she had found. She had to hide, they were going to take her to medical. Bad things happen in medical. 

50 minutes later the door had burst open and her head immediately snapped up to find Kate Bishop and another woman. They seemed relieved once they set their eyes on her.

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