Medical Part 2.

43 4 11

TW: Many.

Chapter 6

Natasha watched like a hawk, her sister glued to her side, as Jemma Simmons took Clint's and Bobbi's blood and then proceeded to do a number of other tests. Weight. Height. Blood pressure. A mould of their teeth. A quick look over for any apparent injuries. Eyeseight tests. Hearing tests. When Clint took out his hearing aid, Natasha felt herself freeze but then he simply put it back in and Jemma continued checking him over. If it was up to the red room, Clint would have a bullet between his eyes already.

Jemma asked him for medical history and a few questions about previous injuries and scars. Both the sisters tensed at that too. That would be a long list.

"See, no harm done," grinned Clint, hopping off the bed, "Who's first then?"

"Me," Natasha immediately spoke. Yelena went to argue but Natasha gave her a look, quietly tucking her sister behind her before she took Clint's previous spot, sitting as stiffly as ever. Natasha stared at a spot on the wall as Jemma prodded her. She didn't move or speak once until she felt the worried gaze of Jemma which suggested she'd probably already tried to get Natasha's attention.

"Are you okay? We can take a short break," Jemma said kindly. Natasha quickly shook her head, assuring the doctor she was fine and to continue.

"Ok um well I'm quite worried about your weight and nutrition, I suppose it's what's expected considering..." Jemma trailed off before clearing her throat, "But with the right diet now that you're at SHIELD I'm sure it'll improve in no time. But everything else seems to be okay, now I'll just do a quick body examination, we can kick everyone out except you and me, whatever you're comfortable with." Jemma's smile was bright as ever and Natasha almost felt sorry for the woman because she wasn't so sure Jemma was going to still be smiling after she saw the hideous scars that littered her body.

"No, it's fine," Natasha replied but Clint and Bobbi left the room to give them privacy anyway. Maria stayed sat in the corner while Yelena lingered nearby, eyes glued to Jemma's hands which hovered over Natasha's body. Natasha pulled the gown over her head and Jemma quickly draped a towel over Natasha's legs. Maria only clenched her jaw for a moment, when she saw the scars that the redhead's body was tangled in, and then looked away. Jemma was less discreet with her reaction, eyes lingering on the scars snaking across Natasha's back especially, but quickly continued with her job anyway. She gently probed at Natasha's skin, asking if anything hurt, a question Natasha was never going to say yes to. Jemma took clear note of the various shaped scars on Natasha's body; scars from bullet wounds, stab wounds, other things that Jemma regretfully asked Natasha about to which the woman gave her answers to almost robotically. Then the doctor frowned as her fingers hovered over light scars on Natasha's lower abdomen.

"These... they look like they're from a laparoscopic surgery," Jemma said, looking up at the woman. Natasha just nodded in response.

"For what?" Jemma asked carefully.

"They took my reproductive system," Natasha replied curtly. Jemma froze in shock and glanced at Maria briefly before meeting Natasha's eyes again.

"What was the medical reasoning for your decision?"

"It wasn't my decision," Natasha bit back, looking down at the scars on her stomach, "I graduated top of of my class in the red room. That is what happens for the graduation ceremony. They take it away, less risk of forming attachments."

"You can never have children of your own," Maria finally spoke up, her voice shaking the slightest bit, "How old were you?"

"18," Natasha replied, giving a half shrug, "The usual age for graduation."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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