Aeroplane Run

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Espresso's Pov:

I woke up at about 7am so I could get ready to meet my future husband at the airport🤪. I work a tinted brown jumper and some jeans. I knew it wasn't amazing but I had to be ready quickly because Latte wad coming at 8.

I was getting my bags ready and eating when Latte came.

♨♡: Hurry up Ess!

"Cominggg" I shout to her while running downstairs while having a piece of toast stuffed in my mouth. Latte was already loading my bags in when I entered her car. Smelled of ... Latte, the usual.

Latte quickly drove to Sparkling's house, then knocked on thier door.

♨♡: Are you guys driving or do you wanna join us?

🥂: We are gonna drive there

🌱: We've already loaded our stuff

♨♡: See you there!

I watched as Latte entered the car. Then I felt quite tired...

Latte's Pov:

I quickly drove to the airport after my little conversation with Sparkling and Herb. Espresso fell asleep on the long  journey. I expected he would sleep after all the night he couldn't. When we got there I found a decent parking space.
"Ess wake up" I whispered

☕: Huh?

"We need to sign in so we can enter the plane!" I whispered it but in a exciting voice.

☕: Okay, I'm coming!

No ones Pov:

Latte and Espresso left and carried all their luggage - about 5 bags - and put them through, only carrying their backpacks. They signed in and made their way to the lounge waiting for Herb and Sparkling.

🥂: Yooo

☕: Hey Sparkling!

♨♡: I see you have and extra person?

🦇: Rhxsgjbcwaaf

🌱: Yeah, umm he's a bit drunk

🦇: Sparkling can I have more wineeeee?

🥂: No!

☕: Whatev-

👩‍💼:Section A Boarding

☕: Ok, let's go board!

They all nod in unison, making their way to the boarding area.

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