꧁A Little Work To Do꧂

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Aphmau woke the next morning on a creaky bed, the light shining through a window without curtains and into her room. Outside she could hear the silent calls of distant birds, a passing of feathers outside of her window which she swore was close to cracking.  She sat up, running her hands through hair that still had mud wrung through it. She stood up from her bed, swaying slightly as she took her gifts to her friends and families from her travels and began writing notes for her parents and Ein. She made sure to make Ein's as messy as her hand would allow her to write.
Then, as she finished, she set them into her bag. If she'd want to send these, she'd need a more open area. But that could wait a few hours.

Aphmau left her room, locking it behind her as more of a muscle memory than any actual fear of someone breaking into her room. There were already so few people in the town, and it seemed they were all rather nice from what she gathered. Aphmau set the key on the desk of the abandoned Inn, leaving through the entrance and shielding her eyes for a second so they could get used to the bright light of the sun.
Aphmau took her hand from her eyes as she looked into Phoenix Drop. The first thing that grabbed her attention was one of the guards of the village placing down boards over the broken well. Aphmau watched for a few seconds as they cursed about something before they set the wood into place again.

It...was rather strange. She had seen this in a few villages she passed through, but it never seemed to unorganized. Everything felt and seemed so unorganized in this village. Though she guessed that was what happened when a Lord died and no one could step up and take their place.
Aphmau watched for a few more seconds before sighing, looking around the town and its...quirks....Aphmau...could work with this?

She began by walking near the well, looking at its construction and determining what would be needed to fix the well. Her mom had always said that there would need to be a strong base, both above and underground, stuck together without so much as a crack that could lead to a fracture which lead to a break. Build a well with strong materials and don't be like your father and fall into a well while trying to fix one up.

Aphmau smirked as the idea came to mind. She turned on her heel and began walking back towards that abandoned part of the village. Up by the blocked river was a whole lot of large stones and smaller stones she could grind up to create a substance to hold it all together. She walked past Donna's farm, now outside standing with another man, one wearing a red shirt and slightly torn blue pants, tending to the farmland and smiling at each other as they spoke through silence. Aphmau watched for a few seconds, not wanting to intervene. Then Donna noticed her and shot up with a friendly smile.

"Aphmau!" Donna cried out, leaving the man to look behind him and then at Aphmau. He had tanned skin, most likely from working in the fields on sunny days, and he had blond hair pulled back and braided into a small braid in the back. He didn't seem to pleased by a stranger, but as Donna strolled past him, he smiled softly at her and turned to a neutral expression.

"Are you leaving?" "Nope, I'm just going back up the River....Uh....no one would happen to have a wheelbarrow or bucket, right?" Donna chuckled and turned with a spin in her step, "I can get you a bucket, me and Logan aren't using it." Donna walked towards a shed like building by the house, digging through it. Aphmau watched with a small smile, waiting patiently as Donna did was she needed to do. Logan shrugged his shoulders and got back to work in the fields.

Aphmau was just about close to even spacing out when she felt someone run pass her and heard the squealing giggling of a small child. Aphmau spun around, grabbing out as her first instinct and just grabbing the back of the shirt of a giggling 2 year old. Aphmau felt her heart pounding in her chest as she slowly picked the little girl up and looking around to try and figure out where her parents could be. She didn't have to look long thankfully before a woman rushed around the corner.

A Town Called Phoenix Drop (MCD Rewrite)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें