𖣔Danger at the Docks𖣔

14 2 1

(A/N: This chapter contains graphic depictions of explosions and perhaps injuries)

Aphmau walked into the guards quarters the day after, crossing her arms as Garroth finished off something.
"What did you want to see me about?" Garroth asked, turning to look at Aphmau as Aphmau stared at the ground, "It's been a week or so since I came here, Y'know...Uh...you said no one had stepped up to be lord of Phoenix Drop." Garroth tilted his head to the side.
"Yes? Why are you bringing this up." He inquired, sitting straighter than he had been, "Well, I was thinking I'd run to be the Lord of Phoenix Drop." Garroth stopped dead. And Aphmau stared at him for a few seconds before he jolted and grabbed her hands.
"Aphmau, you've been helping the village, you don't have to be the Lord." He said. Aphmau raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "It's fine, I want to, besides, it might be good for all of us." Aphmau pointed at herself with a smile on her face. Garroth stood still for a second and bowed his head.
"Then I will inform the village, if there are any objections, an election will be held." Garroth walked past Aphmau and out of the quarters. Aphmau watched before leaving herself and moving back towards the Inn, which had been the focus of her attention since the docks had been finished. She'd just need to make a plan. A bedroom, which was her current room. Maybe expand into the hallway there. Make a bath, a dining area and a kitchen.

The figs she bought the night before sat, three of the four gone as she picked up the fourth and began the process of eating it. It tasted a tad bitter, but was more sweet to Aphmau than anything. She could make this desk space the dining room and the one part of the room could be a kitchen. Then the hallway could be everything else. Aphmau pictured it all in her head, imagining the best places for certain things before scrambling to look for a paper somewhere in the building. One she couldn't find aside from the blank pages of the diary, which she still didn't want to get her hands near.
It made her stomach crawl and her spine tingle.

When she couldn't find a paper to write anything down on, she instead left the Inn and entered into the market square. Two more vendors had set up, much to Aphmau's surprise. One was a person in magnificent earth coloured dress and the other was a man that appeared to be older. Aphmau tilted her head and wandered over to the person, who she quickly noted was an elf or had eleven heritage. Aphmau peered around the person and looked into their cart. A bunch of small, lit lights hung around, all of varying colours. Fairy lights, stuff that always hung around Orieal.
In fact, the merchant was familiar.
"Zoey?" An elven merchant from Orieal, or one that often passed by Orieal, especially thanks to the elf population in the village and the amount of magic users. Zoey turned around in recognition and their eyes lit up like night stars, "Aphmau? It's been a few years, great to see you're okay." Zoey smiled. Aphmau nodded, a laugh bubbling from her throat.

"Yeah, you haven't gone through Orieal in a while." Zoey nodded and shrugged just a bit, "Thought I'd expand business." Zoey set up the last of their fairy lights. They stepped back and looked over them before looking back towards Aphmau.
"Your ears have gotten pointier." Aphmau chuckled, "And you've gotten taller." Zoey smiled proudly, "I'll always be a bit taller than you, shortie." Aphmau rolled her eyes with a laugh.
"Yeah..." Aphmau looked over the fairy lights that Zoey was selling and then looked around the bland square. Aphmau got a horse and carriage moving around in her head before a smirk formed on her face, "I'll buy four fifteen foot bands." Aphmau ordered, pointing at the purple lights. Zoey looked at them and then at the smile on Aphmau's face before a smile formed on their face.
"80 gold." Aphmau threw the bag over and grabbed the fairy lights, wasting no time in climbing up a bare pole and setting the first fairy light into spot, jumping down and running across the square to the next pole and climbing up that one as well. She tied it around. And repeat. As she reached the fourth pole, Emmalyn walked into the market square to interact with the merchants and had an apparent heart attack just watching Aphmau climb the eleven foot poles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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