Apple x Saiki

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Apple has recently gotten to know saiki more then anyone has known him before. even nendo and kaido got jealous on how &close they were. soon some scheming girls decided to get "rid" of apple so they can have saiki all to themselves. saiki heard all of this and decided to let them toy with their plan.

Saiki and apple were walking back from school while the weirdo girls follow

Patricia whispers to Karen "oo i think they are almost at the right spot,"
Karen whispers: "yeah. she won't suspect this"

Saikis mind: Yare Yare they are really going to mess with this women because of me... their trap isn't even good like who leaves a cup of tea on the ground and who in their right mind would drink it.

Apple stops immediately in her tracks after smelling tea. she's addicted if u can't tell.

Apple: SNIFFFFFFF "i smelll tea (*゚∀゚*)"

Saiki: "what-"

Apple tried to run to grab the tea on the ground with mafuyus face decorated on the cup but saiki puts his foot out to trip her.

Apple falls on her butt and stares at saiki

Apple: T-T "was that you?!?"

Saiki: "no, it was not. see there's a tree branch right there." he points towards a tree branch that he did his weird trading for.

Saiki: "let's go to a coffee shop i'll get u some tea just don't drink random tea you see on the ground."


Patrica and Karen turn to eachother with utter disappointment they couldn't believe this trick didn't work on apple. they knew she had a depressing obsession with tea and that she was dumb enough to drink.

they schemed a new plan at the coffee shop apple and saiki we're going to.

once they reached the coffee shop they seen that apple and saiki already ordered their food and drinks (multiple for apple bc she has a addiction worse than any drug user)

Apple drank the tea way to fast and had to go to the bathroom. saiki went too since why not.

Patricia went to the table and looked at karen for the queue to put laxatives in apples tea.
Karen nodded her head and her weave almost fell off so she quickly fixed it.

luckily saiki seen this and decided to give the drinks to patrica and karen as revenge.

Apple was still in the bathroom since she DRANK TOO MUCH TEA cough cough addiction.
saiki went and ordered 2 new drinks and swapped out the drinks

Later on Apple came back and they were both sitting at the table.
Like the snitches kaido and nendo were they told saikis parents that he's going to a coffee place with Apple.

Saikis parents show up right through the door and ask for saikis table.

Saiki looks utterly confused and embarrassed looking out the window seen kaido and kendos face squished up upon the glass like squished bugs.

Saikis mom: "KUUUU who is this lovely lady you have HERE."

Saikis dad: "Yessss whoo!!"

Saiki: "she's just-"

Apple: "Je SuIs APple et J'aime LE THÉ"

saiki: facepalms.

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