Apple x Levi

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apple was out running round like a crazy person since she was bored. She immediately ran right into levi as he was watching in complete horror since she looked like a titan running. apple loved to copy and make fun of those mindless titans it was almost like her pass time to get off all the depressing thoughts she's had and had to deal with.
levi looked at Apple they met eye to eye ;)  apple didn't even know who she was looking at since she was delusional from running in circles. Her eyes spinning, her stomach feeling like she's going to throw up. She started to shake and lose her balance. Levi grabbed her without seeing what he was doing. After Jean ran down screaming APPLEEEE MY BELOVED ARE YOU OK?!?

Apple grabbed onto Levi as soon as she heard jeans voice. Levi picked up that apple was all out not in her head right now (she also missed her addiction of tea for the past couple days). Jean came down and walked over to apple and Levi completely outta breath.
Jean: Geez apple why r u here in this empty field... with LEVI?!
Jean: I-I- WHy LevI!? Why not me!?! Your even holding him :( I can't even believe to imagine that a old man is holding onto mY APPLE.
Levi: dude seriously she was just running and almost collapsed so I decided to help her out a little bit.
Jean: yeah sure I could of done that HMPh
Jean: any word from you I will take as a complement bbbgggg~
Levi: I- uhm what.
Levi: how about you go help Eren over there he looks.. like he's uhm doing WoNderFul! Now go.
Jean: UGhhh Levi whatever man
Jean looks at apple: See u later sweet cheeks ;P as he does the little finger air guns
Now it's just you and Levi in the field.
apple gets back to her senses and notices that she's like GRASPED on to Levi.
Embarrassed she lets go but then falls flat on her butt. Levi grabs a blanket and sets it on the floor since he's mr clean. Levi then stares right at apple and notices that there's a note on her back. He grabs it and it says "Kick me"

Levi holding back his laughter said: wow your really Popular here And let's put a little laugh
apple: dang why r u laughing at me T-T I literally did nothing to you.
Levi: it's jus-
apple: BOOOOMM
She pushes Levi onto the ground and says I WIN!!! She actually can't believe that she managed to push Levi and gets a bit too cocky and starts to run around in a circle looking like she's about to preform a ritual
And like that Levi jus continues to lay down and rethink his life decisions on becoming really close to apple.
And like that a happy ending was formed Levi getting "sacrificed" apple running around Levi and jean watching from a far in jealousy. And Eren struggling.

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