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I'm still working on dome of my other stories but since I missed April fools I decided to make a kinda fun one. This OC is made to be stupidly strong.

Name: Malevo

Age: 23

Species: Namekian 50%, Majin 50%


Height: 7'2

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Height: 7'2

Weight: 310

Handedness: Ambidextrous


Powers and Abilities:

Enhanced Hearing: Namekians sense of hearing is far greater than that of Humans. Very high-pitched sounds like whistling can be irritating to Namekians, to the point of causing them pain.

Hardened Skin: Namekians evidently have thick skin capable of shielding them from extreme drops in temperature.

Regeneration: Namekians are an extremely resilient race, capable of surviving nearly any damage to their anatomy and able to regrow it instantly, provided at least that their brains are intact and they retain enough ki.

Body Flexibility and Stretching: A Namekians body and limbs are also extremely flexible. They can elongate their arms and legs at will.

Awakening Potential: A somewhat mystical ability able to raise the power level of individuals by awakening their potential. It is not just a normal power boost; it makes the person as powerful as they possibly could be at that point in time, assuming they already are not. If the individual is already at their max, and they already meet their potential, the technique will do them no good.

Magic Materialization: Namekians of the Dragon Clan can create items like clothing out of thin air.

Namekian Fusion: Nameks have an assimilation technique where they are able to permanently join themselves with other members of their race. When this is done one of the Namekians serve as the base and gains the skills, memories and many of the personality traits of the other. It is unknown what happens to the soul of the fused Namek, but it is hinted that the other soul simply remain with the body until it perishes, or that, at least, the personality and memories are, to some extent, present within the host being.

Fission: The reverse of fusing, a single Namek can also split into different copies of himself.

Healing: The ability to heal other beings of virtually any injury within seconds.

Absorption: He engulfs a victim completely, or using a part of his body to suck the victim into his body, thus gaining their power and abilities.

Pure Progress: He rapidly improves during a battle. He improves his techniques and also grows in power level and strength.

(Similar to Zenkai.)

Ki Blast



Ki Sense

Ki Suppression

(He's only ever fought anyone except the other warrior Namekians so he doesn't really have many actual moves. This will make all the Namekian warriors stronger and Guru is actually Young in this.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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