Chapter 165

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Several hours later, the redhead woke up to an unusual silence. Surprisingly, no one was present in the future king's guestroom. Confusion and unease filled the God of Love. Where was everyone? Even his youngest duo were missing. Were they with the others? Trying to not panic, he closed his eyes and searched for his sons and unofficial relatives. Thankfully they were all together in a room down the hall. He could sense there were a few other people with them.

<Ha– At least they're safe. I should probably check on Choi Han before joining them.>

Briskly, the noble bathed and ready for the day. For his attire he selected a navy turtleneck as well as matching black pants and gloves. Prior to exiting the room, he made sure to put a veil in his pocket in case he needed it later on throughout the day. Then the youth quietly snuck next door into the chamber where he could sense the single lifer resting.

Hesitating slightly, he approached the bed and opened the curtain. Red-browns shook when he saw the physical state of the unconscious swordmaster.

<F***! Even after being healed he's still like this. What did that d**n bastard do to him?>

The ache in head and chest worsened the closer he got. Brushing the raven strands out of the mortal's face, the young master resolved to make the hunter pay horribly for what he'd done to a member of his family. Anger caused chaotic divine energy to radiate out of him.

<Hasn't he suffered enough despair already? Why couldn't that d**n bastard just keep f***ing targeting me? D**n it! Dragging my people and allies into our battle... Just you wait, a**hole... I'll f***ing make you regret it...>

Suddenly, an unsteady hand touched his arm as two dark irises struggled to focus on their owner's liege. A weak voice called out to him in an attempt to draw him back to reality and out of his thoughts. It wasn't hard for him to figure out the younger man was enraged.


When no response came from the 18 years old, he decided to try his other name.

"...Rok Soo..."

Flinching, the deity's gaze shot towards the injured human. His pupils quaked when their eyes met. Records of his hyungs' bloodied and broken corpses flickered uncontrollably through his mind. Forcing an innocent smile, the punk whispered.

"...I'm alive... okay?"

Radiance stained his pale cheeks. How could he have not prepared for the hunters? They had always been a threat, but he had been too distracted by everything else to consider their involvement. This happened because he didn't properly protect his people. Just like how he hadn't properly assessed the strength of the monster that day.

<Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk never should've died... Now Choi Han nearly...>


Since he was too distracted by his records and distressing memories, he didn't see the frown which spread across the swordmaster's face. Using as much strength as his current condition would let him, the human pushed himself up and pulled the crying redhead into a tight hug. He didn't care that his clothes would get covered in light or that the Molan duo may get mad.

"...don't apologize... you didn't cause this..."

<I should've prepared for the hunters too... You shouldn't have been alone... I underestimated them and how powerful they were... How else could they hurt a munchkin this severely?>

After a few minutes, his arms gave out from exhaustion and the mortal's body fell back down onto the bed. Never in his many years of life had he encountered an enemy like that. What if they targeted his liege? Would he even be able to protect himself from them? Not to mention that last night revealed that there were poisons which could affect him. There was only one option left for him. If he was going to protect his family, he would need to get stronger. No matter the costs he would not let anyone steal his home and precious people away from him again.

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