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Glimmering lights , people dancing , a ballroom floor for a fantasy . It was Emilys  6 year anniversary  and it was like a fairytale the night was perfect or was it ?  The ballroom was next to a river a river that was deep and anyone did no know how to swim they could drown easily minus eteled was dancing with emilys  daughter sana and minus Austin was standing next to the river outside ( bold = minus austin  italics = emily under line is actions )  emily would go outside to see minus Austin and asked him  " minus Austin are you okay " she said with concerning  " yeah i think  but i wanna dance here with you"  " okay "  but little did emily know minus austin was planning to throw her into the icey cold water  of the lake  so they danced " minus Austin .... thank you" " for what "  minus Austin asked to Emily's thanking " for being a good husband ofc"  but minus Austin  did not care at all  it was time to say goodbye to her and minus austin grabs emily and throws her into the water with an evil smile on his face 

3 hours  has passed and minus austin found another girl she was so nice very caring but on the inside hes broken and ripped whole because of emilys death . Eteled still trying to find his own child but it was no use .

back at home minus austin forgot about emily when having a new gf . He forgot about the happy times he had with emily and forgot what happened until he went to sleep and got a dream by his  past self. He saw a shadow of himself .

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