Valient hero ending

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A week has passed and the rest of the family never forgave emily . The names minus Austin and I have a new wife, a new kid and a new family. I'm also friends with Emily's family. Nobody cares about her anymore so yeah . But then it happened. A fire happened at the house and I was burning alive in the fire it hurted like hell but then Emily came. I believe that she was the reason the fire happened to get revenge so we were both fighting. Then i won and emily pushed me out of the house and never came out then the fire department came and put out the fire and emily burned alive . she saved me after i was so cruel. I was sad every sad she saved my life after she risked hers for me she loved me i never got to say anything nice about her she did not deserve this She been there for me and she never said anything when i abused her she never said anything she just wants me to be happy and taking her own life to save me she saved me while she was dying and she thought it will make me happy.... It was not fair for me so when we moved back to the new house i buried emily in my own garden with cherry blossoms and hd japan vibes where emily wanted to go so i buried her in my garden she was allways so nice too me and she was never saying anything because we all hated her but im so so so so so sorry.

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