Chapter 9: The show

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The next day we all woke up from our slumber 1h before we had to leave for breakfast. Lili went back to her chambers, then she joined Priscilla and me to take a shower to freshen up. Magi joined us, we all talked and laughed, and we later all left to join our respective rooms. My roommate and I didn't dress up the same way as yesterday. I helped Priscilla with her hair and make-up, I made it simple and in a way that doesn't attract the eye since we could see she cried. The make-up hid well her puffy eyes but it made her even prettier! I didn't know it was even possible! For the rest, she wore our normal uniform. She had a class in embroidery and flower arranging, for her she needed to have that class since it was required to be the empress. Me, I had to wear my training uniform since my first class was fighting and using weapons. I also wore my hair up in a ponytail.

All of us went to the cafeteria to join the boys, but behold! A surprise! Jessica trapped the boys with the help of other guys. We call those guys her 'followers'. Our friends saw us and told us not to come here with big hand signs. They looked depressed and annoyed. Behind us, someone yelled LILI! We all looked in the direction of the voice and saw Magi with her friends waving at us to come to sit with them, of course, we joined. We all introduced ourselves and chatted, it was very pleasant. With that, we made new connections with other nobles and commoners.

After eating we all had to go to class, I was the only girl in my friend group that went to the fighting class. That was kinda expected since that class isn't very 'ladylike'. the other reason that there weren't a lot of girls was that our male peers already had a hard time, so it was almost impossible for a lady with no prior training to pass this class (It was what we were told anyway). Once I arrived at the training ground, I soon realized that we were only 5 girls with over 50 boys. I didn't think too much of it, I went in front of the teacher, put my hands behind my back, and waited for our teacher's order.

"What are you all doing?! Go into the ranks immediately!" Yelled our teaching, he is a retired high-ranking general of the imperial army

Everyone got startled by him and obeyed him on the spot.

"There are five girls this year, good luck surviving! My name is general Gabrielle."

He looked at all of us one by one. He then stopped and said.

"Today we will test your capacities, each of you will fight with me. Who wants to go first?"

"I do!" Said a boy that seemed a little older than I

"Since it is the first class of the year I will go easy on all of you." continued the teacher

We all formed a circle around General Gabrielle and the student. The teacher stood there with his sword, waiting for the boy to make the first move. The student's name is Leon, he charged at the teacher holding his sword in a strong grip ready to fight. The General just blocked his sword and kicked him. Leon was propelled towards us, he fell onto the ground in a loud noise, and he was knocked out on the spot.

"Who wishes to go against me next?" Said the general while smirking

"I will." That is what I said

Everyone was shocked and giggled saying that I wouldn't even last a second, I ignored them. At the same time, a student carried Leon to bring him to the infirmary so that he could rest. I took the sword that was given to me and got into position, the teacher stood still and waited just like with Leon. I ran straight to him with my sword up. Before you say or should I say think of anything I am not an idiot. I knew that he would push me out of the way just like before, so before he could do so I dodged to the side. He was surprised but it was easy for him to block my next attack. I went backward, changed my position, and attacked him on his left side. He was about to block it again but it was a diversion, I rotated my wrist, slides under him, and hit him behind the legs. He fell to his knees and blocked my next move, I was an idiot because at that moment I let my guard down so he ejected me out of his way, went on top of me, and put the sword to my neck. It was Game Over.

New life, new worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora