A Broken Heart Part 2

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Here is part 2 for y'all on "A Broken Heart!" I made part 2 two days ago, and I am now uploading it on April 6th of 2022! I also will upload a vent story next! Probably will upload that either today or tomorrow! Requests are still open by the way! So, enough of my ranting. Let's get started!
I tear up.
I thought he was wrongly convicted?
I hate him with my heart
I hate that friend too.
How dare he say he loved me
Then go behind my back
And repeat what he did to me?
Am I not good enough for him?
No, I can't think like that!
I have to remember what my older sisters said to me.
"You are the alpha of your life"
"You don't NEED a man, nor woman"
"You may WANT them"
"But you can't have them being alpha of you"
"Because, I said it, YOU are the alpha"
"Not him."
"If he ever hurts you,"
"Or even if you need to"
"Get rid of him!"
I felt so...
Controlled and useless ever since...
Ever since I've dated him...
I am my own alpha,
Not some man or woman of mine!
I need to get rid of him.
And I did get rid of him. Surprise surprise: I was talking about my ex before I got together with my current lover.
Hey, readers. If you ever encounter abuse or a controlling problem with anyone you know, report it. I want you all to be able to know what to do in those type of situations.
Before I forget! Here is the quote of the day!:
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words break my heart. They're like a dagger cutting through me; sharper than the sharpest words said to me." -Unknown

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