Feels Like Home

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⚠️ Note: From now on, most chapters will be written from Emma's perspective. In other words, if I do not mention the POV in the beginning, feel free to assume it's from Emma's.

The following week was splendid. I made many friends, and got close to certain people, which made me feel safe in this new environment.

I walked up to school with all the confidence in the world, wearing a red crop top and high waisted jeans with a chain. "EMMA!!" I heard people shout. "Zoey! Luka! Leo!!" I replied as they ran my way to high-five me. We opened a conversation and walked together to class.

Soon enough, I spotted Mia walking towards me. My face brightened and my eyes gleamed as if I saw Ariana Grande herself waving at me, and ran to give her a hug. I love her so much and I'm very grateful for her, for she is the one who helped me get used to this school and build the confidence to make new friends.

After English class, we sat on the bench we usually sit on, with a plate of pasta and mashed potatoes for Mia and some slices of pizza with mozzarella sticks for me. "So, you still haven't introduced me to your best friend! Last time I remember you told me she was sick, is she feeling better?" I mentioned. She sighed and looked away. "I didn't want to tell you about it, but... she and I fought over something stupid, and we aren't friends anymore. She was never sick, I just didn't want you to think of me as the problematic girl on your first day of school." I saw some crystal droplets of water forming in her eyes, and my heart broke seeing her this sad. "I'm so sorry..." I said in a pitiful voice, then gave her a warm hug. "It's gonna be okay."

After a few moments, Mia changed the subject to distract herself from the harsh truth she was still in denial about.
- So, what do you think about this school till now?
- I actually love it! Everyone is so sweet, and I'm getting used to this place. I'm a person who hates change, but I can confirm, this was a positive one.
- I'm so glad!
- Me too! In my old school, I got bullied a lot and my friends kept stealing my stationary because of the financial issues we were going through that I told you about...
- You will find none of that here; everyone is very ethical and strict about politeness and kindness. The only thing I might ever steal from you is your last name, she said with a wink.

I giggled, surprised to find someone with the same humor as me. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, you told me that you liked flirting so I thought I could use some of my stock of flirts on you," she said, guiltily. "Not at all! I do love flirts a lot, but what I'm sure of is that I love you more," I teased.

"Emma! The class and I decided to make you a little welcome present. We know you like scented candles!" Kyle exclaimed. My smile was so big that I could feel it touch my ears. I thanked them endlessly and squeezed them tight against me. It really does feel like home.

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