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Today was a rare day. For the first time in ages, a red moon was going to appear at 3am, and Mars along with 3 other planets would all be aligned with the earth. Therefore, you'd be able to see all of those phenomenal events happening right above you, which is why I had to stay up that day, but it would be really sad to watch it alone. Instantly, an idea popped up in my mind: what if I invited my girlfriend over to stargaze with me?

"Are you kidding me? You should know my parents by now, they'd never accept! I've never gone on a sleepover before!" she exclaimed with a disappointed tone, as she would really love to live such moments with me. "Hm... are you up for something crazy?" I said with a smirk on my face. "Oh my- you're thinking of sneaking into my balcony aren't u." I nodded. "It's risky... really risky..." "I'll hide under your bed if I hear footstep or noises! You know I'm too small and I fit basically everywhere." I gave her my puppy eyes look and begged her teasingly like an uwu girl. She finally gave in to my idea and I jumped from excitement and wiggled my eyebrows. "You can't resist me can you," I flirted. She rolled her eyes at me while smiling, knowing deep down I'm right.

The night had come. I packed some snacks and drinks and informed my mom I'll be at my friend's for a sleepover. I wore my cutest pajamas and tied my hair in a messy bun. After walking around for a while, I finally reached Mia's house. I had memorized the road there by now. Soon enough, I found myself throwing a paper airplane to her to signal my arrival. She directly hopped on the balcony and helped me climb up. Her house was on the first floor above the ground floor, so it wasn't much of a hard task, but rather a fun one. I landed on the balcony, exhausted and out of breath, and fell into Mia's arms as I tried to muffle my giggles.

We prepared the cussions and got out the food, and waited for the show to start. There was a full moon, but it was still white by then. I pointed at it. "You know, you remind me a lot of the moon. So it'll be your new nickname now," I said randomly. She chuckled. "Well in that case, you're my sun. I mean you're very hot and you always cheer me up and are there to warm me up." I awed and did that little lipbite face. "For me, actually, you're my moon because you both start with the letter M, and because you were not only there through my happy and shiny days, you were also there to illuminate my darkest nights. And I'll forever be grateful for that. In addition, moons are my favorite celestial bodies and you're my favorite human, so it's a win win right? You'll be my favorite in all cases," I winked. She smiled at me, not knowing what to reply. Instead, she closed her eyes and laid her head on my thighs as we both waited for the moon to turn red.

A few minutes later, I woke up to the sound of an annoying truck passing by in the silent street. I looked up and realized the moon was almost already fully red! I woke Mia up and we took turns watching the planet alignment and the red moon through the binoculars I brought. We remained lying on our back for a long time, trying to form shapes in the nightsky by connecting the stars, or trying to spot constellations and the North Star.
By that time, the moon would've been officially called a "bloody moon" as it was entirely red as if someone dipped it in blood. It was fascinating to watch. We admired the sky in full silence for a couple moments, enjoying each other's presence in this magical place. I broke this period of silence as I began quietly humming, I watch the moon, let it run my mood, I can't stop thinking of you.

Suddenly, I saw something small and white rush through the sky, leaving a temporary trail behind. "Mi amor... I think I just saw a shooting star!" She gasped in shock. "Let's make a wish! Quick!" As we said our wishes, we stared at each other in the eyes, locking eye contact for what felt like an eternity. Those deep brown eyes that reflected the shiny nightsky above were the place I wanted to live in forever if I could.
"What did you wish for?" she asked curiously. "You know telling our wishes to other people prevents them from coming true, right?" "That's a lie, because last time I caught a shooting star speeding above me I wished for a soulmate and I'm sitting with them right now." My facial expression melted by those words.

I grabbed her face by her cheek and kissed her profoundly, seconds before she fell asleep on my shoulder. She looked so cute, so heavenly, like an angel who I was lucky to tumble upon as they fell from the sky. I gently brushed my lips against her smooth forehead and tucked her back in bed. "Goodnight, my moon," I whispered before climbing down her balcony, as the bloody moon slowly disappeared back into its shell.

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