papyrus is gay

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"papyrus, you're gay." sans stated, staring at his brother. "it's time to find you a boyfriend." papyrus glared at sans. "shut up!" "nope!" sans had no idea just how to feel at this moment. his best friend was gay, and that was hard enough. the fact that said friend had a wife and kid was almost too much to take. "so you're going to stay here forever?" "not forever. but i'm not sure when i'll be leaving. i might stay, or i might go home. i just don't know." sans felt bad for being so upset. he never thought he'd be stuck in here with his best friend. and now he'd be stuck with him for another five years? "is there nothing we can do to convince you to leave?" "well, papyrus." began sans. "if you'll look into my soul, you'll see that i'm more then just a friend. i'm in love with my brother. i don't know how he feels, but i think he's in love with me too." papyrus shook his head. he felt sad that his brother was in love with a boy. and then he felt sad that he wasn't. "and if you'll go to the library, there's a special book on relationships that you should read." "papyrus." sans said. "i know you hate me, and i'm sorry for that. i'm sorry i got your family stuck in a war, and i'm sorry for lying to everyone about how you were supposed to die. but i'm not in love with anyone. there's nothing you can do to make me change my mind." sans stood up. he was so sad, that he didn't know what else to say. "see ya."[6:56 PM]sans nodded. he felt like he would cry if he tried to say anything else. he got out of his room, and went to the library. he got lost in reading about relationships. how do i do this? was it like trying to be gay? no. that was impossible. so, what was he supposed to do? sans walked through the halls with tears in his eyes. he was crying, not because he was sad, but because he was happy. he was happy that he finally told his best friend the truth. he was happy that he finally stopped trying to be someone he wasn't. he was happy that he was finally free. but he was also sad. he missed papyrus. and he didn't know what to do. papyrus sat at the bus stop waiting for the bus to take him back to his apartment. the sun was shining, and his spirits were high. what would he do if sans didn't stay here? it was only a matter of time before his brother would tell everyone what he was, and he could never tell his family. he was stuck. at least if he was gone, he wouldn't have to deal with the fact that his brother was gay. the bus finally showed up, and papyrus got on board. as it started moving, he saw sans walking down the bus line. his heart stopped. was it really his best friend? he never thought he'd see sans again. but he had to be sure. as the bus went further down the street, he saw a guy get on. it was an exact copy of sans. papyrus had to admit it. he was really getting kind of sick

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