Everyone is gay (part 3)

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However Papyrus sees Undyne running towards him and makes the funniest face he can and laughs before Undyne runs over him, and falls. After Undyne runs over Papyrus, he falls over... The next day Papyrus comes to Undyne's house, and goes inside and he sees Undyne crying and he puts his hand in her mouth and he kisses her, and undines face turns red. Papyrus pulls out his arm and wipes her tears away. Papyrus wakes up at one in the morning, and he tells Undyne that he is leaving, and he leaves her a letter. Papyrus and Sans are at the edge of a lake. The sea of grass spreads itself along the horizon, and it fades into the sky, and the grass is so tall, they couldn't see the ocean if they stood up tall. Sans is the one to talk, "Maybe it would have been better if we didn't try and go to the surface. I mean, we don't know what the surface is like, you know? Maybe the surface is even dangerous, like how the ocean is." Sans starts walking, and Papyrus goes after him and they start walking together, "You're right..." Papyrus states, "I'm so tired... I just need to sleep." Meanwhile, as night falls, Undyne is at her house, alone. A knock at the door, she opens it, and it is Papyrus, he has a letter, "Undyne, I'M GONNA GIVE YOU ALL MY GOLD. And then I'm going home... But I don't think I will come back... I hope I'M NEVER GONNA see you again. You're so hot... Bye." The next morning, Papyrus and Sans wake up, and it is the day of the Tournament of Undines. Papyrus and Sans make a lot of money, and Papyrus tells Sans to stop complaining about the cold water on the face of the sea, and the fact that the sky is so much brighter than before. Papyrus tells Sans to shut up, and the two of them go to the Arena of Water. They both arrive at the Arena, and a match begins, "I... am... Papyrus!" Sans laughs, "And I'M Undyne, the undine of chaos! Let the undine battle begin!" On the stage of the arena, Papyrus and Undyne both have an Undyne shield. Papyrus is first to attack, and he uses his ice cannon to hit Undyne. Undyne blocks it with her shield and sends an ice boulder at Papyrus. Papyrus dodges it, and sends his icicles at Undyne. Undyne blocks it with her shield, and they both begin to fight in silence.[9:09 PM]However Papyrus sees Undyne running towards him and makes the funniest face he can and laughs before Undyne runs over him, and falls. After Undyne runs over Papyrus, he falls over... The next day Papyrus comes to Undyne's house, and goes inside and he sees Undyne crying and he puts his hand in her mouth and he kisses her, and undines face turns red. Papyrus pulls out his arm and wipes her tears away. Papyrus wakes up at one in the morning, and he tells Undyne that he is leaving, and he leaves her a letter. Papyrus and Sans are at the edge of a lake. The sea of grass spreads itself along the horizon, and it fades into the sky, and the grass is so tall, they couldn't see the ocean if they stood up tall. Sans is the one to talk, "Maybe it would have been better if we didn't try and go to the surface. I mean, we don't know what the surface is like, you know? Maybe the surface is even dangerous, like how the ocean is." Sans starts walking, and Papyrus goes after him and they start walking together, "You're right..." Papyrus states, "I'm so tired... I just need to sleep." Meanwhile, as night falls, Undyne is at her house, alone. A knock at the door, she opens it, and it is Papyrus, he has a letter, "Undyne, I'M GONNA GIVE YOU ALL MY GOLD. And then I'm going home... But I don't think I will come back... I hope I'M NEVER GONNA see you again. You're so hot... Bye." The next morning, Papyrus and Sans wake up, and it is the day of the Tournament of Undines. Papyrus and Sans make a lot of money, and Papyrus tells Sans to stop complaining about the cold water on the face of the sea, and the fact that the sky is so much brighter than before. Papyrus tells Sans to shut up, and the two of them go to the Arena of Water. They both arrive at the Arena, and a match begins, "I... am... Papyrus!" Sans laughs, "And I'M Undyne, the undine of chaos! Let the undine battle begin!" On the stage of the arena, Papyrus and Undyne both have an Undyne shield. Papyrus is first to attack, and he uses his ice cannon to hit Undyne. Undyne blocks it with her shield and sends an ice boulder at Papyrus. Papyrus dodges it, and sends his icicles at Undyne. Undyne blocks it with her shield, and they both begin to fight in silence. [9:09 PM]"Ahh... Undyne you so hot"... Papyrus states. "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS PAPYRUS!!!!" Undyne shouts in fear, running to an open window, "I'LL GET YOU DIE!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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