My bestfriend

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Billies POV

it's been 3 months since I've seen y/n, my bestfriend if you didn't know

If your wondering why we haven't spoken in 3 months well that's kind of my fault

Flashback 3 months ago
Still billies POV
"Y/nnnnnn your here I missed you" I yell hugging her and kissing her cheek. We've always been flirty like but I noticed her blush this time

"I missed you to bil, how was tour"

"It was so good I love seeing all my babies faces, but it sucked cause you couldn't be there" I say dragging her into my room

"Yeah we'll some of us still have to go to school"

I ignored her comment pulling her next to me so she was cuddling into my side. I was slowing running my hand up and down her back when y/n spoke up

"Hey bil" I hummed in response "I wanna tell you something but I don't know who it will go"

"Just tell me mama I promise I won't be mad"

"Ok well I think I may be into someone well I know I'm into them but I think I might be in love with them"

"Holy shit y/n that's crazy who is it I'm sure their crazy about you to"

"It's you Billie"


"Just you being away for this tour just made me realise the love I have for you isn't platonic"

"Um I don't really know what to say I'm not idk"

"It's fine you don't gotta say anything I just wanted you to know but I'll leave you to it"

End flashback

And just like that she left and I was an ass and didn't text her I ruined our friendship. Of course a had fucking feelings for her at the time but I couldn't bring myself to say anything then and there and we'll now I miss her like a ton.

"Hey Finn I need talk"

"Wassup bil"

"Ok I'm so you know how y/n hasn't been around much lately"


"Well she may have told me she was in love with me and I didn't say anything or text her after she left and we haven't spoken in 3 months and I miss her and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her and I don't know what to do about it"

"Jesus Billie why didn't you tell her"

"I was scared no knew about me liking girls idk I didn't want anyone to know"

"She's your bestfriend bil she wouldn't have cared"

"Ok yeah but what should I do now"

"Go talk to her don't text or call her go to her house that's the best way to do it and tell her how you feel"

And that's exactly what I did. As of right now I'm standing in front of her house shitting my fucking pants I don't know how I'm supposed to tell her what if she doesn't want to see me. Pushing all the thoughts back I knock on her door.

Her mum answers the door.

"Oh hey darl I haven't seen you in a while you girls ok"

"I'm here to make us ok we haven't spoken in almost 3 months I miss her like a lot"

"We'll she's in her room she might be asleep but you can just wake her up she'll get over it"

"Thank you"

I walked over to her room opening her door finding indeed asleep time to tell her I geuss

"Y/n it's Billie I know it's been a while and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to own up to everything but here we go when you told me you loved me I freaked I couldn't move and at the time I think I was suppressing my feelings for you because you were- are my bestfriend and I didn't want to ruin that but in this last 3 months not once did you leave my head

I love you y/n I'm not ashamed to admit it I just can't tell you to your face yet but I'll call you tomorrow maybe I'll have the guts to do it then"

I kissed her forehead and turned to leave as I was about to leave her room I turned around to look at her once more and that's when I saw she was sitting up in bed with a huge grin on her face

"What the fuck weren't you asleep"

"I heard you talking to mum didn't really want to see you so I faked it didn't know you were about to admit your love for me" she smiled even more

"Well now you know and I feel so dumb right now"

"Don't come here" she patted her bed

I went and sat next to her

"Is this were we kiss or"

I laughed "I think it might be" I smiled

She leaned in placing her lips on mine this is the moment I've been waiting for

"Oh I love you to by the way"

"You pulled away just to say that"

"Yea just in case you forgot" she smiled then pulling me back in placing her lips on mine once more


This is short but I kinda like it

Please give me requests I have no idea what to right ...

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