wrong number bitch

71 1 0



y/n pov

unknown: bro there out of fucking takis what am I meant to do

y/n: cry idk

unknown: yeah real helpful

y/n: dude I don't even know you don't start that shit with me

unknown: drew quit playing

y/n: who tf is drew
y/n: this aint him/her
y/n: wrong number bitch

unknown: oh fuck
unknown: forget about this
read - 10:57pm

well that doesn't happen every day I thought to myself putting my phone down. and well nothing eventful I went to bed.

funny enough when I woke up In the morning I had a heap of text messages from that random ass person complaining about takis last night. may as well reply itll keep me entertained I have nothing better to do today.


unknown: yo what up
unknown: come on answer im boooored
unknown: ok then ice breaker im billie im the dopest person youll ever met
unknown: now you go


y/n: ok man come one its to early chill the fuck out

I geuss ill save their contact as 'billie'

billie: uhhhh took you long enough now your name would be lovely

y/n: y/n

billie: cuuute
billie: show me you

y/n: slow down there
y/n: keep your dick in your pants I aint showing you nothing

billie: bitch do I look like I have a dick

billie: bitch do I look like I have a dick

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oh damn she fine as fuck

y/n: cute and all but still aint getting no photo

billie: what do I gotta do to get a photo outta you

y/n: let me be until tonight I just woke up this shit isn't in my morning routine

billie: aight bet chat later y/n
read - 11:46am

Later that same day

Billie: yooo kinda forgot about this but is later
Billie: fuck I mean it's like 2 am

Y/n: look at you getting stuff right it is 2 am

Billie: aye if it's 2 am for you that means your in la right

Y/n: yeah

Billie: wanna do something crazy :)))

Y/n: I'm listening

Billie: meet me at this Taco Bell in like 20 minutes
Billie: you can suprise cause I don't know what look like

Y/n: aight bet see you then
Y/n: and if your gonna kill me this will be a sick ass way to die

Billie: mamas I'm not gonna kill you
Billie: I'll see you soon


This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done I mean am I really going to met this random ass hot girl at a Taco Bell at 2 am in the morning ....

I mean gotta live with the thrills of life I geuss. I didn't feel like changing much so I kept my trackies on with a larger top I own slipping on some shoes and staring my drive

Pulling up to the Taco Bell I see only 4 cars so one might have to be Billie. By this point my heart is beating so fast it may as well just jump outta my chest

Anyway pushing my nerves aside I get out walking inside. Low and behold I see Billie sitting down at a booth stuffing her face with a burrito. Laughing a little to myself I sit down in front of her

She looks up at me like I'm a crazy women


"Really you tell me to come her now your questioning me sitting down"

"Oh fuck y/n this is what happens when you don't send me a photo of you"

"Surprise I guess"

"Umm I ordered cause your ass was taking to long these are mine so you gotta get something for yourself if you want anything"

"Lovely so nice of you Billie, unlike you I don't have an appetite at 2 am"

"Suit your self"

Over the next 1 or more maybe Billie and I just talked turns out we get along really well. As we both decided to go home I wanted to spent more time with her so I invited her back to my place, and we'll now she's in her car following me home

"Alright this is my place do whatever I guess"

"Damn shorty you got yourself a nice place"

"Mm I guess bought it when prices were low so I'm clearly the only smart person in this building"

"Damn right you are" she laughs

"We'll I know we were meant to talk more but I really wanna sleep you can spent the night if you want"

She smirks at me licking her lips "only if I get to sleep in your bed"

"Where else would you sleep" I reply "come on I'm tireddddd"

Settling into bed I feel billies arm go around my waist and her head rest on my chest

"Y/n if you don't start cuddling me imma leave"

"Damn ok chill, lemme adjust to having a pretty girl sleeping in my bed half on top of me" I say putting my arm her pulling her closing into me

"I would say something flirty back but I'm tired now to" she yawns "goodnight y/n

"Goodnight Billie" I say kissing her forehead lighting then falling asleep myself

Till the morning I guess


Might do a sequel to this one I kinda liked it ....

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