Chapter 4

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          Chapter Four

     It took Chanyeol merely a second in the class president's closet to realize that the boy had a fatal, and rather unexpected, addiction to skinny jeans.  It was an addiction that he didn't fully appreciate until Baekhyun stood from his position on the couch, where he had sat carefully nudged against him and mingled with a few of their classmates, as he made to get the two of them drinks.  There was a soft smile on his lips when he turned, like he didn't know and didn't think anything about the way he looked.   The way the fabric hugged his thighs so tightly, the way they perfectly emphasized his full yet delicately slender hips.  Well, it almost had the athlete drooling in awe.   It did have the athlete drooling in awe, but he was fully intent upon denying it if someone were to question him.

     The moment the two had stepped into the party, obnoxiously loud music blaring around them and the potent scent of liquor padding the air, they were surrounded.  The captain of the basketball team and the academy's number one kingka, who were, of course, bound to garner attention sooner or later.  Chanyeol glanced over at the boy beside him.  He wasn't as bubbly as before, Chanyeol noted.  His smile wasn't as bright, faltering about the time they were first spotted, his eyes dim but nervous in a way that Chanyeol neither expected nor understood really.  Baekhyun shifted beside him, twisting his fingers in the denim pockets, his eyes skirting around the familiar faces that seemed to grow closer and closer as the seconds passed.  He seemed uncomfortable to say the least, but only Chanyeol even seemed to notice.  They just kept coming closer and talking louder, not even bothered by the fact that he wasn't entirely there, not in the way he was before, when it was just the two of them.

     A group of boys near them smirked and whispered to each other as they raked their eyes up and down the brunette.  Chanyeol preferred to believe that the expressions were directed towards the scantily clad group of girls encircling "their oppa" and not towards the damsel in distress who was oblivious to their perverse intentions.  It was no wonder why Baekhyun didn't go to parties.  If people always acted like this, Chanyeol certainly couldn't blame him.

     Chanyeol noticed the way Baekhyun changed in front of their classmates.  They would fawn over him, compliment him, treat him almost like the royalty that he damn near was.   And Baekhyun would smile, that beautiful white grin of his that made people fall head over heels for him, and he would speak pleasantly and enthusiastically with all of them, whether he personally knew them or not.  But Chanyeol didn't miss the small sighs that occasionally fell from his lips or the way his smile fell ever so slightly when he thought no one was looking.  Chanyeol could see what everyone else seemed to miss.   Baekhyun's loneliness.

  "Here.  I'm not really sure, but I think it's some kind of beer," Baekhyun chirped as he reappeared at Chanyeol's side in the rather secluded corner, two plastic cups in hand.   Most of their classmates had gone off at some point or another, a few to dance and several more probably on their way to go hookup somewhere.  There were others around them, stumbling in their unsuccessful attempts to move to the beat of the music.  They hadn't seen their friends yet, though Chanyeol knew that most of the basketball team would already be trashed.  It was ironic, given his past record, but Chanyeol was probably one of the most sober people in the entire house aside from Baekhyun.

  "You drink?" Chanyeol asked in surprise as he reached out to take one of the cups.  Baekhyun sat back down beside him, their legs gently brushing against each other.   Heat practically radiated off of the smaller like a human furnace.

  "Nope, least not since first year when Lu Han and I accidentally got drunk on the peach schnapps in his mother's liquor cabinet."  Baekhyun smiled slightly before tipping the drink back.   Chanyeol could only laugh when he got a glimpse at the boy's sour expression.   A shudder racked his body as he squinted at the nearly half finished beverage.  He continued to stare at the cup, then at Chanyeol, and then back to the cup.

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