Into the Woods

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And here is the next chapter, I'm glad people are liking this paranormal/coming of age story. Comment below.


Light fell down through the trees, casting a flickering shadow on the twelve year old boy trekking through the forest. The girl he followed left no shadow at all. No footprints either.
But the boy didn't notice that.

Caden sighed and kicked a pinecone out of his path as he walked alongside Sandy. It felt like they had been walking to his house forever, but the short red haired girl seemed to know exactly where she wanted to go, and she didn't look tired at all. Really, he was probably lucky he had met someone in the forest who could help him, considering he couldn't even use a compass. But something about her Something different from the kids at his school in Atlanta. And that smile...

"What are you thinking about?" asked Sandy, elbowing him playfully, "come on, spill it"

"What are you thinking about?" asked Sandy, elbowing him playfully, "come on, spill it"

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Boy, this girl sure was pushy. Caden shook his head. "Nothing. Shouldn't we be at my house by now?"

"Don't worry, we're real close" she said "trust me"

"I don't remember walking this far" he replied, not sure if he really did trust her. If Caden had learned anything from movies and television, it was that people who lived in small towns were usually total weirdos. "Sandy, if we're close, maybe I can go by myself the rest of the way" he suggested hopefully.

Sandy stepped in front of him and frowned "Why?"

"No reason" he said.

"You don't like me, do you?" she asked, looking more disappointed than upset.

Caden looked down, then up again. This is why he didn't often talk to girls. Not that any ever talked to him that much, until now.
"I don't really know you" he said bluntly.

"Okay," she said and crossed her arms "so why can't we be friends?"

Caden shrugged.

"Come on. I'll let you play with my pet rock" she offered.

"Pet—rock?" Caden said confused "what even is that?"

Sandy laughed "You know, its my pet..thats a rock, duh. Dan bought me one last week, I just taught it to fetch."

Caden laughed back, confused "Really? How? That's impossible, right?"

Sandy rolled her eyes and slugged his arm—jeez this girl sure was physical.
"Its just for fun you dork. Okay, what things do you like to do then?" she asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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