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She grew up in a small town. Half-paved roads, local community shops, and the everybody-knows-everybody atmosphere were all she knew. Back there, people's eyes were carved into her back, everyone knew her name, and their pity was as engulfing as flame. 

Here, it was different. Flashing lights, noisy streets, and bustling bodies were an overwhelming sight to her when she first arrived here. In this place, she was simply another body. No one knew her name, no one knew where she came from, and most importantly, no one cared.

So despite the sight being overwhelming, she quickly realized this is exactly where she needed to be. She adjusted accordingly like she always did. While there were only paved sidewalks where she had known dirt paths, her boots were surprisingly and pleasantly clean after a day's walk. While there were people trampling each other to go about their business, no one so much as looked at her. While it was an entirely new city and an entirely new beast, the sheer volume was enough to drown out what threaten to eat her up.

Here, it was different. Here, she was free. 


The word was freshly bestowed upon her. Every day, every moment, she was still learning what exactly that word entailed. When she had first left that small, miserable town, her zio Jordan had told her she was finally free. At first, it was a pretty bit of words, and she reveled in it. But, as she learned to live, she realized it was much more complex than a four-lettered word. 

But that was what made it so good. Because, now, she was in control of what that word meant. She was in control of her quality of life.

It was scary, originally, and it partially still is, but she knows she isn't alone, and she knows the power she holds. 

She was a mountain.

She would bow to no one.

She took a deep breath. The air here was different than that small town's, probably with all the smoke of industrialization, but it never smelt sweeter.

This was freedom indeed.



A muffled voice crackled through the receiver. "Hello? Yes, is this Miss, eh, Jeelani Corsetti?"

A huff of a breath followed before she responded, "Yes, this is she. May I ask who is calling?"

"Uh, yes, this is the Silver Creek Police Department, Officer Davis speaking. Are you in a safe location, Miss Corsetti?"

A furrow of brows, "Yes, may I ask why this is relevant?"

"I have, eh, serious news to deliver to you about your mother and step-father. Before I say it, please make sure you are in a secure location and, uh, sitting down."

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