Chapter 2 (Logan)

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I couldn’t stop staring at her missing poster. "Olivia Lambert missing for the past three days," it read and her picture. She was beautiful with strawberry blond hair, forest green eyes and tan freckles all over her face.

"Son." Said my father, who gave me the missing poster. "There's going to be an auction for her." The words slapped me. She was going to be sold as a sex slave. "Get all the money you can," My father continued, "and buy her."

"Are you absurd, she's gorgeous, but I have no interest in buying her for sex!" Me father laughed, "that not what I meant, we have use for slaves in our pack, I want you to but her and return her to her family." I nodded.

I walked out of his meeting room and found myself walking to my girlfriend’s, Isabella's room. She was sitting at her vanity doing her makeup. She saw me watching her and ran up to me and kissed me. Her lips sweet like bubblegum. We pulled away, the longing her eyes gave me butterflies in my stomach.

I kissed her, her lips still sweet. We pulled away, her face flushed. I loved her, I loved her so much that if anyone hurt her, I would kill them. We stared into each other's eyes as she said, "God you're such a good kisser." I kissed her harder, her lips turning sour. I ran a hand through her hair. "Stop." She pushed me away. "What's wrong?" I asked as hurt flashed in her eyes.

"I love you, but we can't do this anymore." She refused to look at me. "We're not mates." She continued. Tears began to run down her face. "We're not mates." She repeated. She still wouldn't look at me. "I love you." I told her, "and I promise we'll make this work, I promise." "No, I can't make anything work, when you're going to find your mate it really hurts that someday you'll look at her the way you used to look at me."

"I will never look at anyone the way I look at you." I said. "She's your mate, you won't be able to help it." "Please," I begged, "I love you." "I love you too but I think it would be better if we didn't talk anymore." She whispered. The words slapped me, and I didn't stop her as she left. I wanted and had all her of her, but now I had none.

The tears hit me before I could get to my bedroom, "Son?" Asked my father from the hall, "Isabella broke up with me, I loved her dad." My father was never the hug type of person so he just stared and said, "I'm so sorry, but remember things like that happen. But he would be best to give some alone time for her process things.

I nodded and went into my room and cried, wondering how I was ever going to move on without her.

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