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Twenty years before.

Error was in Outertale, contemplating the stars and constellations. He relaxed for his last fight, his broken arm preventing him from knitting. He wanted to, so he could prepare Cross's birthday gift. Instead, he just stared at the infinite cosmos extending in front of him. He is expecting Nightmare to come back to him, but the guardian lost interest in him since a time, saddening Error who felt lonely again. The open souled killer was Night's new fad after what happened with Dream.

Sighing, he stands up. It's been hours he's here and the worried messages from Horror and Cross brought him back to reality. He had to go home. Looking one last time to the stars, he summoned a portal. He was about to pass through, but a cyan arrow plunged at his feet. He knew he was about to fight so quickly close the portal to prevent the rats to access to the castle.

To his surprise, only Dream is standing not that far from him. And his bow wasn't summoned anymore, confusing the glitch.

"Sorry, I panicked when I saw you leaving."

Error gave the question look to the positive alternative. Dream didn't move from his spot but smiled kindly at him.

"I'm really sorry Error... but I'm not here to fight or anything concerning the opposition you have with Ink... I'm just... curious."

"I am curious too Dream. But you will see that not only you want answers from things you don't want to discuss."

Dream's face drop but his pupils showed the fact he already knew this was going to happen. Error points a rock in front of him but far enough from him, and the guardian sat there silently. They both stare at each other during a time. Error's pupils show tiredness, hurt, suspicions as Dream's look shows regret, tiredness as well and like he's fed of something.

"Why did you left Killer?" cut Error, his glitches crippling a bit.

"Ink was about to kill him..."

"He almost killed him nonetheless."

Dream stayed silent but Error could feel Anger... no, Rage growing in Dream. This sight Error had of Dream, it was the first time he saw this. Golden magic being corrupt by a bronze color and his bright aura turning dark morphing into dangerous invisible tentacles.

That was the first time Error was scared of Dream. He had gripped the rock, his senses in alert. Dream didn't seem to calm down and Error couldn't believe what's he's seeing.

"Dream, that's enough. You're going to hurt yourself."

Dream seemed to come back to his senses as his magic went back to normal. Error wanted to relax but couldn't. That was something and Dream felt it. He knew Error saw it. His dark side.

"Sorry... can't really control it."

"Do you think your brother did?"

That seemed like a punch to Dream. He realized something with those words. His aura showed sadness before being angered again, but toward himself this time.

"Dream, you need to calm down."

"I-... can't !"

His pupils turned bronze again as he hiccupped and a dark glimpse lightened, showing Error the danger. The destroyer jumped back and summoned strings to immobilize the guardian who began to trash around, his aura exploding again.

"Dream, you're going to kill yourself one day... do you know what it implies. What I mean ?"

This calmed Dream down, realizing what Error said. The destructor released him and turned around to look around before watching Dream again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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