baby blue eyes

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The Other Side of Paradise by glass animals

"Come on dad, we're not tired tell us another story about one of your old friends." A little girl begged. Her brother nodded quickly. The man who she spoke to sighed and began to shake his head. 

"How come you never tell us about Jamie?" The little boy asked. The man looked between his two kids and shuffled in his seat. 

"Oh alright," He complied, "But no more staying up, school starts soon." The father thought for a second, he wasn't entirely sure where to start.

"It was the summer of 1996," He started, "Senior year. Jamie had walked out of maths with me, complaining about the homework. We headed to lunch hand in hand, there was no point in hiding out relationship after the locker room incident. He went on and on about how when he got older he was gonna make a good life for us, he planned on getting a very successful job to get a nice house. He wanted to adopt six children with me and get a big fancy pool. Jamie loved to talk about a future with me, it made me feel special. I always stared into his baby blue eyes, I tried to keep a hold of him so he didn't run off alone, or forget about me when he left high school. You see Jamie was really good at creating musical masterpieces, his favorite genre was rock and roll. 

It was only the last week of school when he came up to me all excited, I had to hold him still so he didn't run off to tell someone else and leave me confused. He spoke to me about the offer he got, he went on about being a star. Jamie's wish was coming true. Now I was always weary about being some big famous figure because a lot of them may have all the fame and riches but there are many who can become sad or lose themselves. I definitely didn't want my boyfriend regretting his decisions or losing passion. I warned him about some risks he was taking. What I didn't know was that he already accepted the offer. I didn't completely know he was leaving our little town until I found the plane ticket in his room. Jamie was leaving me. He kept reassuring me he would come back and visit and I could come with him as soon as everything is sorted out. He was my love, I didn't want to let go. 

But even with Jamie halfway across the U.S. I still tried to make the most of my summer before heading to collage. When I heard of his first album releasing I was sent a signed vinyl. I played it so much that it became worn down quickly. We talked less and less as his career continued and collage started. 

I wasn't expecting the call I got for Christmas. He planned to come and see me but canceled and claimed he was busy. I was devastated when he left me but I was heartbroken when he found a girl, I was dropped on the side of the road like a abandoned puppy. Jamie broke up with me over a phone. I thought it was gonna be me and him forever. 

News broke out that he got married two years later. By that time I had a successful job to keep me steady and a house all by myself. I didn't need Jamie's love, I just needed myself. Jamie continued to grow in popularity, releasing multiple albums that sometimes starred other artists. He joined a famous rock and roll band and quickly took over. 

Jamie disappeared after a while, but came back three years later with the news of a child. It only made me angry. Jamie had to work hard to keep up with rock and roll music now, it had changed drastically while he was gone. It took him only a few months to reach the top again. I had coworkers ask me if I listened to him, I never did after the breakup. I turned off the radio's when I heard his voice and I steered away from rock and roll completely. 

Slowly I noticed that Jamie's wife seemed more angry. He loved her but she seemed annoyed with him every time she spoke about him or was even near him. Jamie became more dirty, his music became sloppy and unfinished. He seemed more laid back but tired at the same time, he would quickly lose focus. What gave away the fact that Jamie started drugs was his eyes, sometimes they were bloodshot and other times they were completely dilated. His beautiful baby blue eyes were no longer full of life. He looked numb, he looked wrong. Everything was wrong. He got his dream but at the cost of losing his wife and daughter to his quickly growing drug abuse. Jamie wasn't Jamie anymore, I didn't know who he was. It was saddening. He forgot what he had before the fame and kept pushing for a perfect life when all he needed was a happy one.

I missed Jamie, I wont lie. But he was after something that ruined him."

"Aww, what happened to Jamie? Is he okay now?" The little girl asked quickly. The man stayed quiet for a while, he didn't know what to tell his kids. 

"He's in a place where he could heal for all eternity, now it's time for bed." Another man called from the doorway. He sent his husband a small smile before walking over to tuck his kids him. 

"Good night Dad, good night Father." The little boy said tiredly.

"Good night!" The girl said, she was full of energy now but she would fall asleep soon enough.

"Good night my lovelies." The man said. They both walked to their room to turn in for the night.

Jamie watched from above in the heavens with a small smile.

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