Sketches and Orange Dresses

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Flowers in My Hair by Wes Reeve

 There was all sorts of colors. The wind created ripples in the blue lake. The bright green grass and mixtures of yellow, white, pink, and purple flowers danced in the wind. The tan and brown deer grazed the grass for a second before walking off. In the middle of this colorful place was an orange tree, it's fruit were the most delightful shades of oranges. The unripe green ones hid in the tree's leaves so no one dared to pick them while they were still perfecting. Under this lovely tree was a boy who was sketching in his book, the shade of the tree welcomed him on the warm day. His pencil moved swiftly across the paper, the shape of a daisy could be seen forming from the grey lead. Soft humming brought him out of his focus on the white flower. The boy looked up to see a girl dressed in a dark orange dress, she skipped a little as she walked. Happiness in every step. "Abe!" She called to him when she got closer. "How are you?" She asked the boy. He smiled at her, "hello Elise, I'm doing okay. You learn anything today?" He asked. Abe always wondered what it was like to learn, he was from a lesser family that couldn't afford school. He put down his book and Elise took him by the hands. She continued what she was humming and danced around gracefully, Abe giggled as he joined her. The boy's mother taught him how to dance. Sneakily Abe would pick up a flower and place it in Elise's hair, the colorful flowers against her brown locks made them stand out more. 

When the sun began setting Abe walked with Elise into the woods to find the road back home. The path wasn't as colorful as the field but the trees above created beautiful shadows. Elise stood sadly for a little while, she didn't want to leave her friend. "Abe, my mother is sending me to another school. I wont be able to see you for a few years." She began to tear up. The boy wrapped his friend in a hug, he didn't know how to process the information. They always met up in the field after Elise came back from school. "It's okay, I'll just wait for you every day then." He held her until her cries stopped. "I love you Abe." Elise whispered. It was getting dark quickly, "I love you too Elise." Abe responded back. The boy with the book and the girl with the flowers walked different ways, Abe walked south to his run down home while Elise walked North to her big fancy home. 

When the girl got to her room she noticed all the little flowers in her hair, she giggled sadly at her friend's silly nature. He always decorated her hair but every time she never noticed till she got home. The flowers reminded her of him.

When she left for the other school she watched the flowers on the sides of the roads, they had to pass through the neighborhoods. She held back tears when she saw Abe in his garden, tending to his flowers. 

A year into the school year and Elise put flowers in her hair after missing Abe greatly. The teacher scowled her, "un-lady like" She growled. The girl just wanted her friend by her side.

As Elise grew so did Abe. The girl grew very beautifully with long brown hair, all her dresses were different shades of oranges. The boy grew to learn everything he could with all the books he could find, all his sketches still consisted of the flowers in the field. 

The brown haired girl returned home during the summer 6 years later. If it were up to her she would have gone to the field the second she reached the house but her mother insisted she stayed to catch up. The polite thing was to listen to your mother. 

Under the lovely orange tree was a man who was sketching in his book, the shade of the tree welcomed him on the warm day. His pencil moved swiftly across the paper, the shape of a verbena could be seen forming from the grey lead. Angelic humming brought him out of his focus on the purple flower. The boy looked up to see a woman dressed in a light orange dress, she seemed to be floating across the grass. Happiness rose from the both of them as she got closer. "Abe!" She called to him when she got closer. "How are you?" She asked the man. He smiled at her, "Hello Elise, I'm doing much better now. Did you learn anything in these past five years?" He asked. He placed his book on the grass and Elise took him by the hands. She continued to hum and dance around swiftly, Abe laughed as he joined her. Sneakily Abe would pick up a flower and place it in Elise's hair, the colorful flowers against her brown locks made them stand out more. They were both where they belonged now, where they wanted to be the entire time. 

"Did you have a good dream?" A man asked. 

A woman nodded with a smile, "I had a dream that a boy loved a girl with flowers in her hair." There was a laugh. 

"That sound beautiful darling."

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