so Close, yet so Far

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When the Sun Loves the Moon by Reinaeiry

How can you love someone so different from yourself? A energetic girl who's beauty burns just as bright as her smile could wish for anything and she would be able to get it. She wanted to do theater, she got into the best school. She wanted good friends, she got a group of them who see her as a sister. She wanted good grades, she got late night studying that was worth it. Mira worked hard for everything. But her friends were confused on to why she asked for someone to love but when she found someone she stayed away. She would speak about this beautiful girl for days but shut down the idea of talking to her. Her friends loved hearing her talk about this girl but they never knew who she was or why their friend didn't go after her like everything else she accomplished. 

"It's hard to explain." Mira would always say. She always sounded so defeated. Mira was so afraid that they would be too different for each other. Mira always wore yellow, this girl didn't. Mira loved being on stage and singing loudly, this girl wasn't a big fan or crowds or singing for anyone to hear. Mira loves setting goals for herself, this girl's goals are out of reach. Mira didn't even know her name, she always called the girl Moon. Moon wore dark blue and black, she likes her average grades, singing to herself at home, and her small little group of friends. Mira always saw Moon in the halls, across one of her classes, or after school when she was doing rehearsals. 

"I can't speak to her. I'm too bright, I would scare her away." Mira would ramble. Her friends know how much she loves Moon. They learned quickly that Mira loves Moon so much that she's willing to stay away to keep her comfortable. But from a distance she would always talk about Moon's jacket that acted like a blanket, or how she always kept black nail polish in her back pack, or even at the end of the month she would be grumpy about her purple hair fading to silver. Everything Moon did was somehow cute to Mira. She fell too far, her friends knew Mira would be left heartbroken in the end.

How can you love someone so different from yourself? A tired girl who's deepest desire is for someone to understand her decided to yearn for someone who could never understand. She would pick a route to her next class that would allow her to see that certain somebody even if it meant she would be late. She joined an after school program just to see this person even though she wouldn't be able to have some time alone at home. Solace was consumed by this girl, everything about her seemed perfect and warm. Solace's friends seemed to notice this drastic change. It didn't take long for Solace to tell them though, she fell too deep for a girl she could never get. Even when she got happy when speaking about her she always ended up sad. She was so far away even with all the changes. It was very unlike Solace to go out of her way just to see someone. 

"It's complicated." Solace would always say. She always sounded to tied. Solace knew she could never be with this girl, it was too complicated. Solace slept in late and was always tired in the morning, this girl was always awake no matter how early she woke. Solace liked to be alone or around a small group of people, this girl knew so many people. Solace liked to quietly work on props and music, this girl was the star of the show. She always called her Sunshine or Sun, her friends always said it was adorable. Solace's friends seemed like they knew something she didn't. Always urging Solace to just go for it or talk to her but Sun always seemed so successful and Solace would just hold her back.

"I can't just go for it. She's so bright and i'm so dull, she needs someone who can match her energy." Solace would argue. Solace was trying to hard not to be a part of Sun's life that it hurt her. She wanted Sun to keep building what she started, do something successful. Solace had no plans for the future but Sun seemed to have it all mapped out. She loved her bright smile, she loved her light wavy hair, her love for bursting out into song, Solace loved her. She kept her distance from Sun, she never got too close. She always stayed quiet when Sun got near. In the mornings she would stay close to the entrance just to see her, in the afternoons she would be the last to leave just to stick around near Sun. 

The girls never noticed their love for each other. Mira lived on to be a successful actress for musical theater, Solace found herself working at a quiet bookshop in a small town. Mira loved traveling, she always wished at some point she would see Moon again. Solace saw comfort in her little shop, she always dreamed of Sun walking in with her bright smile. 

Mira did a show for Beetlejuice once, she was so excited for this showing. She peaked at the audience every now and then throughout the show. When she got on stage she felt so happy to be there. As she was exiting she noticed a familiar face staring at her surprised. Mira became so very happy by the end of the show she could barely contain it. Her familiar Moon showed up, just like she wished. 

Solace didn't expect to go watch a musical with her friends but she was free one afternoon. 

"You'll enjoy this one actress, Mira Springs. She's really good." One of her friends said with a smirk. Solace sat engulfed in the musical, she forgot how much she loved it in high school. She tried to pay attention for one character in particular, this Mira was playing. Solace became unable to move, her focus was locked. Her familiar Sun was in the show, and her name was Mira. 

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