Chapter 2

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The pointy-eared nixel and Dumbo looked at the bowl of candy with a devilish grin growing on their faces. A part of the edge of the bowl was broken to pieces, its shards spilling on the colorful candy. The two nixels rushed towards the spilt candy and Dumbo scooped it into their hands while his pointy-eared partner scooped it into its bowler hat, not giving a care in the world about anything else.

"Nix. Nix-nix nix. NIX NIIIIIX! (Best. Halloween. EVEEEEER!)" Blurted the pointy-eared nixel.

Suddenly, the moon now turned blood red and then Dumbo heard someone or something whisper "The moon... look.", grabbing his attention. When he saw the blood red moon, he couldn't take his eyes off it. In fact, he couldn't even blink. His eyes turned pupiless and as red as the blood moon itself, and then he clenched his fists and hissed at his pointy-eared partner.

"Nix nix NIX nix? (What did I do?)" Complained the pointy-eared nixel.

(A/N: If anyone is possessed by the Blood Moon, then their names will have the word "Blood" at the beginning.)

Blood Dumbo just stood there, menacingly staring at the pointy-eared nixel for no particular reason, until he suddenly leapt out of him and scratched his face multiple times! The pointy-eared nixel screamed as he got scratched over and over again by Blood Dumbo, until he kicked the red-eyed zombie off of him. The zombie tried leaping at him again, but missed when his target dashed towards the remaining candy left. The Orbitons' ship-space has now landed in the middle of Mixopolis, ready for the trick-or-treating night of their life, and also unaware of their new foe.

"LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE, SOLDIERS!" Shouted Rokit as he stepped out the door.

Suddenly, the Orbitons were struck with confusion as they saw that no one was there, and the only people they saw were two nixels fighting for some candy from a broken bowl.

"The heck happened here?" Asked Naut.

"Dude, this is disappointing to the max." Complained Niksput.

The pointy-eared nixel grabbed his candy-filled bowler hat and climbed up a coconapple tree, hoping that Blood Dumbo wouldn't be able to climb. Blood Dumbo walked slowly towards him, and then stopped to slowly look at Rokit with a horrifying glare. Naut switched to Nurp and said that he was scared of Blood Dumbo.

"Okay, as leader of the Orbitons, I SUGGEST WE GET BACK IN!" Worried Niksput.

Blood Dumbo noticed the Orbitons and their ship-space, so Niksput frantically pressed the "CLOSE" button over the "OPEN" button multiple times which made the door of the ship-space close, causing Blood Dumbo to slam into the door.

"I never thought the Blood Moon would come tonight, I thought it was just a myth!" Worried Rokit.

"How do you know about Bloody Moon?" Asked Nurp with an angry face.

"Because I have a book about myths, Nurp. Legend says that a Blood Moon comes every thousand years and while it being on every other day is fine, it being on Halloween would equal PURE CHAOS!" Explained Rokit.

Nurp's expression changed to neutral, and then he tilted his head in confusion and said that he hasn't seen the Blood Moon before.

"Good, then you won't turn into a weird zombie." Said Niksput.

"But Nurp wanna see Bloody Moon, I'm not afraid!" Nurp told Niksput.

Nurp switched to Naut.

"Are you CRAZY!? You're not seeing the moon on Halloween, do you want to turn into a zombie?" Protested Naut.

Naut switched to Nurp.

"That not even true, Rokit said it's a myth!" Shouted Nurp.

Nurp-Naut pushed his tribemates out of the way as he was running towards the "OPEN" button below the "CLOSE" button next to the door. He pushed the button and floated outside, while Blood Dumbo turned back to the tree that his pointy-eared counterpart had climbed.

"NURP, DON'T LOOK AT THE MOON!" Warned Niksput and Rokit.

"You're seriously going to regret it and you know it." Naut warned Nurp from the back of his head.

Despite his tribemates' warnings, he ignored them and looked at the Blood Moon with a stern look. Suddenly, his stern look slowly wore off and his expression was now neutral.

"It's a pretty moon..." Said Nurp.


But it was too late to stop him now, for Nurp's eyes had already started to become red and pupiless. Blood Nurp looked at Rokit & Niksput and then he shrieked so high-pitched that Rokit's dome had cracked, same for Niksput's eye cover. Suddenly, he switched to Naut, which was surprising considering that Rokit and Niksput thought that if Nurp was possessed by the Blood Moon, then Naut would also be possessed.


Rokit got out his myth book to frantically flip through the pages until he got the page he thought he was looking for, but it was actually a page about humans. He flipped though more pages and he finally found the page about the Blood Moon until Blood Nurp slapped the book off of Rokit's hands. Blood Nurp tackled Niksput, causing Niksput's jetpack to go off, and then they bumped into the ceiling of the ship-space a couple times until they hit the floor and flew out the door. The pointy-eared nixel screamed as Blood Dumbo slowly climbed the tree, but then he saw Blood Nurp and Niksput flying above the brown roof of the small, lion-like Cragster's home.

"BRO, IT'S ME, NIKSPUT!" Niksput told Blood Nurp.

Blood Nurp screamed and attempted to scratch Niksput's eye cover off, but he pushed Blood Nurp away from it. Rokit ran towards his book about weird myths called 'Ancient Myths from History' and picked it up, only to find that Blood Nurp had torn parts of a lot of the pages.

"SCHNIXEL!" Blurted Rokit.

HOTMV VI: The Blood Moon Of Mixopolis (In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now