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Intro Plays

Pyro goes off

Mike: Welcome to Friday Night Velocity! I'm Mike Colt and alongside with me is my colleague Rio Dazzle! How you doing Rio?

Rio: Doing great! But I'm even more pumped about tonight! Cause tonight we got a packed show!

Mike: You know we do! Let's get right into the action!

D.J.'s theme plays

Bell rings

T.J.: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! introducing first, from Ponyville, DJ Whooves!

Mike: DJ is set to go for action here tonight in his debut on Velocity.

Rio: Has a real high opinion of himself. I'll say that.

Mike: That's true.

Alex's theme plays

T.J.: And his opponent, from Ponyville, Alex Dusk!

Mike: And Alex Dusk set to go tonight. Says he's ready to make a name for himself here in EWA.

Rio: I'd admire that. A win here tonight will surely make a statement.

Bell rings

Mike: And we're underway with our first match tonight. DJ offering to extend his hand to start us off.

Rio: Got the other behind his back I'd be careful Alex...

Mike: Ooh! DJ with the slap with the other hand.

Rio: Yep saw it coming. But I don't think Alex took it lightly.

Mike: No he didn't as he lands the lariet and follows it up with another one!

Rio: Watch out!

Mike: Knee to the gut by D.J. and suddenly, he is in control now.

Rio: Yeah, and you don't want him to gain the upper hand on anything. A very technical wrestler in the ring.

Mike: That he is Rio, as D.J. working on the head of Alex right now.

Rio: And you can D.J. driving his knees into the back of Dusk here.

Mike: And you almost respect the way D.J. is handing this match here, as Alex is fighting out of the hold applied by D.J.!

Rio: Stunner!

Mike: Stunner connecting for a moment, and there's a german by Alex!

Rio: Gotta stay on him.

Mike: Baseball slide by Dusk sending Whooves into the barricade! And Alex now drags D.J. back into the ring and here's a cover!

1...2...D.J. kicks out

Mike: D.J. Able to get the shoulder up.

Rio: Alex is firing on all cylinders tonight.

Mike: Agreed. Alex, stalking D.J. now, could be going for A-Rod.

Rio: Counter by D.J., and there's the running knee by D.J.

EWA Friday Night VelocityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora