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Intro Plays

Pyro Goes Off

Mike: It's Friday night and you know what that means! Welcome to Friday Night Velocity! I'm Mike Colt and alongside me is Rio Dazzle!

Rio: Oh we got a jam-pack show tonight Mike!

Mike: Indeed we do. Let's get right into it!

Star's theme plays

Bell rings

T.J.: The following opening contest is the first-round match for the EWA Global Championship! Introducing first, from Ponyville, he is the game...Star Shy!

Mike: Rio...Last week here on velocity we got the announcement that we will be crowning the first-ever EWA Global Champion.

Rio: Oh yeah and it kicked off with Colt and Thunder getting the win in their matches.

Mike: Indeed it did.

Midnight's theme plays

T.J.: And his opponent, from Philadelphia, Midnight Zest!

Mike: Well last week Midnight was unsuccessful in his match against Forte.

Rio: Yeah, but he put up a good fight however.

Mike: Now, Zest hoping to become the first-ever Global Champion.

bell rings

Mike: And here we go with our first match of the night. Zest starting off with those kicks.

Rio: Yeah the same strategy he did last week against Dazzle.

Mike: And Star lands with the lariet on Zest. Shutting that down quickly.

Rio: Yep.

Mike: Snap suplex by Shy followed by the Irish Whip into the ropes and lands the knee to the gut.

Rio: Man just a pure display of dominance so far from Star.

Mike: Star into the cover..

1...2...Midnight kicks out

Mike: And Midnight just gets the shoulder up at two.

Rio: Zest reeling from that knee to the gut by Shy.

Mike: Shy whips into the corner, but Zest with the double boots to the face and follows it up with the drop kick and follows it up with the Roundhouse kick.

Rio: OOf! That kick caught Star off guard for a moment.

Mike: And Midnight lands the springboard Enziguri! Goes in the cover...

1...2...Star Kicks out.

Mike: And Star gets the shoulder up at two.

Rio: Shy feeling the effects of that kick.

Mike: Imagine if Zest got the upset victory over Star tonight.

Rio: Oh that be a good upset.

Mike: Zest, kicks to the chest of Shy...Zest off the ropes, ducks the lariet of Shy, but lands it the second time!

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