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Intro Plays

Pyro goes off

Mike: Thank you and we welcome you to Friday Night Velocity! I'm Mike Colt, and alongside, is my partner, Rio Dazzle! tonight we got a packed show for you guys tonight!

Rio: Oh yeah we do!

Mike: Plus the road to extreme rules is just 48 hours away!

Rio: I can't wait.

Midnight's theme plays

Bell rings

T.J.: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Phillydelphia, Midnight Zest!

Mike: Well, looks like we're starting things off tonight with Midnight tonight.

Rio: Yeah. Didn't fair out the last time he was in action.

Mike: Well, tonight he'll be up against an old friend.

Jet Zap's theme plays

T.J.: And his opponent, from Phillydelphia, Jet Zap!

Mike: Well, Jet is finally making his debut tonight.

Rio: Yeah, after Spark Dust attacked him Monday Night.

Mike: Yeah and you know Zap wants some payback.

Bell Rings

Mike: And here we go with our first match of the night.

Rio: This is gonna be good.

Mike: Jet Zap, a very technical and high flyer type of wrestler, trying to go into a headlock but Zest with a kick to the leg.

Rio: Read that like a textbook.

Mike: Jet...grabs the leg of Zest, and lands the dragon screw takedown

Rio: This is what I meant, that Zap is a very technical type of guy. Will target a weak point and will not let up.

Mike: Cover by Jet...

1...Midnight kicks out.

Mike: And it will be just a one-count for Zap.

Rio: Yeah.

Mike: Back to your point Rio, as Jet gets the headlock applied, Jet is a very technical wrestler he loves to apply holds and I think we might see some of that in this match.

Rio: Yeah, you're right on that.

Mike: Zest off the ropes of Zap, Zest ducks the lariet and Zap ducks the enziguri from Zest. And Zap steps on the ankle of Zest.

Rio: Back and forth with these two. 

Mike: Zap, sends Zest over the ropes, Zest blocks the punch and lands the gamiguri!

Rio: Now Zest is starting to get fired up here.

Mike: Midnight....Springboard missile dropkick! Zest, goes into the cover!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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