☾𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5☽

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We sat in silence for a while, until Gerard's phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and answered. "Hello ?... You don't know what to do ?... Okay, What did she do ?... Okay, tie her up..." That was the last thing i heard after he walked out of the room.

Tie her up ? Holy shit he is a serial killer. I didn't know what to do, so i picked up a knife from one of the drawers, the biggest i could find, and i ducked under the table.

He returned, i could see his feet and he seemed to be looking around. "Xena ?" He called. I crawled out from under the table and held the knife up to him.

"You know it's not nice to hold knives up to people." He pointed out. He didn't even look scared.

"You're a murderer !"

"Where did you get that idea from ?" He chuckled and i quirked an eyebrow.

"Tie her up ? What's that about ?" I yelled, he went to walk forwards, but i thrusted the knife forwards and he ceased his actions, raising his hands up.

I looked behind me for a moment, seeing where the door was, but he'd grabbed my wrist, twisted the knife out and forced me over the table with my arm behind my back.

My chest was flush to the table as he leant over me to my ear. "I promise i'm not a murderer. Just stand up, and i'll show you." He whispered.

"I can't stand up. Because you're practically on top of me." I whispered back. He stood up straight and let go of my arm. He put the knife away.

"Follow me." He said, he straightened his shirt out and walked out of the kitchen. I followed him and he led me up two flights of stairs, and down a corridor with odd paintings and a black door at the end which seemed to blend into the wallpaper.

"You have to promise not to freak out." He said, pulling his keys out of his pocket and slipping it into the key hole.

"Why what's in there ? If there's bodies in turning you into the police." I clarified and he nodded.

"Okay, but there's no bodies in there. Something... very different." He looked like he hesitated to open the door before he turned to me. He walked behind me and placed his hand over my eyes before i heard the door open.

He nudged the back of my feet, telling me to walk and so i did. He walked me forwards and turned me around, sitting me on someone soft, which i'm guessing was a bed.

I heard him take a deep breath before he removed his hand. I opened my eyes and looked around. He was stood awkwardly in front of me and i looked around.

Holy shit !

I looked to my left, there was chains, whips, rope, then to my right there was a bunch of sex toys and i was disturbed but oddly excited. "You're... a kinky motherfucker..." I muttered.

"Yep... Do you hate me ?"

"No... I think it's kinda cool. When was the last time you used them ?" I asked, standing up and walking over to the canes and whips, wiping some dust off them.

"A good few months." He replied, walking next to me and taking one down. He wiped it down before putting it back up and kept doing that.

"What happened ?"

"She cheated on me." He replied. His voice was monotone as he spoke.

"You wanna talk about it ?" I asked.

"Not really."

"Okay, that's fine." I replied. He looked around a bit more.

"It needs a good clean..." He muttered and i smiled.

"Want help ?" I asked and nodded. He went through a door on one of the walls and returned with spray, anti-bacterial wipes and dry cloths.

He handed me some wipes and told me where to start, which was the skirting boards but only the ones i could reach because he didn't want to move any furniture.

I got onto my knees and started wiping, while he dusted, wiped and sprayed the shelves, also disposing of stuff he didn't want/need anymore.

He was also noting what he needed to replace, and restock. My next job was cleaning the paddles, canes, whips etc. and it didn't take me long, but i had used an entire pack of 80 wipes, and i looked around seeing Gerard holding a frame.

He had a pained expression on his face, but i could see the struggle he had looking away. I got up and walked over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder, looking at the image.

It was a picture of him, and a girl, black hair, red lipstick and green eyes. She was perched on his back, squeezing his cheeks and laughing, making it look like he was making a kissy face. He had his hands around her thighs, holding up.

"Is that her ?" I asked and he nodded.

He walked to the side and threw it against the wall, the frame and the glass shattering instantly. I flinched at his sudden outburst, but i couldn't blame him.

It seems he loved her very much, and she broke his heart. He was cleaning the glass, and splintered wood up with a dust pan and brush, before putting it into the bin and then picking the image up, sticking it into his back pocket.

"I'm burning it." He muttered. He got back to cleaning quickly as did I and when we were done, we lay back on the bed, our legs dangling over the edge and our arms above our heads.

It'd taken us a good few hours to get back into the swing of things after the image incident but he'd cheered up a lot. Our pinkie fingers were just brushing against each other's. He tilted his head to look at me, and i did the same.

He chuckled and i watched as his eyes flicked over my face.

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