☾𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 8☽

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"Xena !" I woke up and realised i was not at home, in my bed. The door opened and Gerard was there, wearing his suit and he looked very nice.

"Yeah ?" I mumbled, sitting up.

"I'm going to work. Do you wanna come ? There isn't a lot for you to do on your own, you could go out with your friend and meet me back at the gym when you're done ?"

I groaned as i slid out of the bed and he handed me some clothes. "Where did you get these from ?" I asked.

"I got my friend to climb through your window. He's small so he fits. I'm pretty sure he broke it though... i'll pay for repairs." He replied.

I took the jeans and hoodie and waited until he walked out to get changed.

I quickly changed and walked downstairs, putting a pair of boots on. Gerard was already waiting in the car for me so i quickly grabbed my phone and shut the door.

I walked out to the car and climbed in. The drive to the gym took about 30 minutes because he lived so far away but i didn't mind it.

"I can't be assed to message Jamie so i'm gonna stay in your office all day, because i get bored easily. As long as you get me wifi i'll be fine."

Gerard chuckled as he pulled into the staff parking lot and audibly groaned. "She's here." He grumbled.

"I thought you fired her ?"

"So did I." He said, grabbing his things and jumping out the car. I did the same and he locked it and we walked in, seeing Melissa at the front desk.

"Why are you here ?" Gerard asked. "I fired you, do you not know what that means ? That means you are not welcome here." He said. He was angry.

"I just thought..."

"You just thought nothing. Get your shit and get out." He snarled and she walked away. He stormed away to his office and i followed like a lost puppy. He put his bag onto the floor and leant back in his chair, rubbing his hands over his face.

"God i hate people." He groaned and i chuckled, sitting on his desk and laying back.

"Violence isn't the answer, it's the question." I giggled and he choked out a laugh before sitting back up. I saw out the window that Melissa was coming towards the office, Gerard saw this too and the next thing i knew, i was on his lap.

"Just play along." He murmured and i nodded, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Melissa i told you to leave." He growled as she opened the door. I could feel his grip tightening on my side.

"I know... I came to give you the keys..." She put them in front of him. She had her hands in front of her as she looked at him.

"I'm sorry... i don't know what i was doing." She muttered.

"You're not having your job back. Leave." He growled and she bowed her head, walking out.

She shut the door and i snickered. "Bitch." I giggled and i heard him sigh before his hands fell from my waist and he scooted forwards in his chair, putting me onto the desk again.

"I hate being a boss." He growled.

"It pays good money though. Especially if you're a mafia boss, get hella bitches." I laughed and a small smile crept onto his face.

I smiled at the sight and he put his head onto my knee. "I'm tired..." He mumbled. I played with his hair and he moved his head so he was comfier, still on my knee though.

"Go to sleep, i'll cover for you." I said and he nodded as best he could and soon, he was asleep.

His head was pressing into my knee so i gently lifted his head and took his arms, so he could rest his head on those and i and pushed his chair forwards. He stirred slightly but stayed asleep and i left his office, going to the bathroom.

When i returned, the door shut slightly harsher than i would have liked and his head shot up, looking around. "Oh... It's you." He sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"How long was i asleep for ?" He asked, yawning. I walked over and sat at the edge of the desk again.

"Not very long, you were asleep for about ten minutes then i left to go to the bathroom and came back and now you're awake." I said and he yawned again.

"Okay... I didn't get much sleep last night."

"I can tell, what kept you up ?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Everything." He muttered, zoning off with his eyes fixed on the floor.

My brows furrowed as i looked at him. "Like what ?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter." He sighed, leaning back in his chair. I nibbled the inside of my cheek as i watched him. He pulled his laptop from his bag and flicked it on, typing in the password and pulling up his e-mails.

I caught a glimpse of one. There was an image attached and i regret looking at it. It was a picture of a girl, tied up... everything was on show.

I looked away and shuddered. "Why the fuck would you send me that ?" He mumbled to himself, deleting the e-mail and deleting it from his deleted before he pulled his phone out and dialled a number.


"Frank what the fuck ?!"

'What did i do ?'

"On my work computer ! I don't wanna see your girlfriends fucking vagina either way."He whispered the last bit.

'Oh heh... I thought i did a good job am i wrong ?'

"Very wrong, you could clearly see she was uncomfortable just from a glance at the fucking picture. You need to make sure she's comfortable, and you need to reassure her. She's new to this you do know that, right ?"

'I knew that, what was wrong with it ? I think it looked fine.'

"Yeah... it might have looked fine, but her comfort is more important than the pleasure Frank. Do you want to scare her away ?" He growled.


"Educate yourself. She's not a play thing, you can't just tie her up willy nilly and think she's fine. She needs to feel comfortable."

'I know... you've said multiple times.'

"Iero... i swear to god, if you end up scaring her away i'll never forgive you do you understand ? If you do i'll tie you up in the woods and let the bears have at you."

'Okay... i'm sorry.'

"You should be, go and apologise to her. And don't send me pictures like that again, especially on my work computer. Goodbye." Gerard hung up.

"What was that about ?" I asked.

"My friend, he's new to the whole 'lemme tie you up' thing. He doesn't realise that the other party needs to feel comfortable before he does anything." He said and i nodded.

"Fair enough."

"I just don't want to see him heartbroken again... He loves that girl with every fibre of his being, and if he loses her, he's gonna spiral and who knows what's he's gonna do." Gerard said and i nodded.

"That's understandable. If anyone hurt Jamie i'd hunt them down, and force their eyeballs down their throat." I growled and Gerard chuckled.

"I'll be sure never to do that." He laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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