Just for you(story)

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Thank you guys so much for 80 reads means so much to me thank you


Nobody's POV:
People flirt with y/n a lot i mean look at her sheesssh nice body, good personality, hot. It's no worded why Ash ask her out literally the girl version of him just smaller but her brother is also Nate Jacobs so you know she gonna have problems. But that did not stop ash from asking her out hell Na. Anywhore when people flirt with y/n he just fucken jealous like HOT jealous he will probably get really protective over y/n (as he should) when y/n finished their conversation with them and goes home, ash will probably follow them and beat them up 💅. When y/n asked what happened the next day to that person they will run away and stay there distance from y/n and ash.

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