🤑Sugar daddy🤑 (story)

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This is not sexual lol plz vote thanks baes

I watch as ash goes though his money as I'm sitting on the other sit of counter in the gas station while he is on the other side sheesh I think that's my mother fucken boyfriend god Dammm but I was also getting bored off this so I jump off the chair and walk around the counter and sit in his lap with my hand around his neck and my face in his neck at the same time ash looks down at me and just smiles before going back to counting the money

As I'm counting the money from the drugs I sold hours ago because I got bored I look up to see my hot girlfriend looking around I smile and keep counting I can tell that y/n is looking at me but I don't say anything and smile to myself y/n gets up and sits in my lap and cuddles into me

Y/n pov
I look up at his and say "I'm boredddddd" he looks down and says " that sounds like a you problem babe " I say" bruuuuuu come on sugar daddy I'm boreddd" he looks at me and say "what did you just call me" he says smirking I sayed "sugar daddy got a problem"

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