😏You like him😏 (story)

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ash POV
I look at y/n to see her talking with her besties because she fucken cool and hot and shit I look around and walking around the mall because the girls are having a girls day or sum idk I came so I could get some new shoes and to make sure y/n is okay. I walk into the shop and look around

Me and the girls are walking around the mall looking for cloths because we are haveing a girls day even though ash is with us technically will he is in the mall with us just some we're else looking for shoes i think one of my friends look at me and say "so gurl I-  are you even listening to me right now" "umm what o ya I'm listening" "okay then what was I talking about" "umm girl drama or sum idk" "your thinking about ash aren't you" "fhfifjcu-no" "ya she is" "I'm not I swear-it's girls day okay let's just go get clothing"

Ashtrays pov
I walking around looking for y/n and her friends when then eat lunch together her friends leave and I walk her home and kiss her lips good bye

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