~ Jeck Sfw Alphabet ~

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A/N: u simp 

that's me and jeck in the picture btw <333 

jeck correct me if any of these headcannons are wrong I'll change em just for u 👑 (maybe)



A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

Shy dum dum won't touch you unless you TELL HIM HE CAN. He's probably gonna show affection just by speaking to you and maybe dming you stuff ;) (please I can't write sfw) probably the type to hold your hand in public and call it a date

B = Beauty (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)

I have one word for you, THIGHS. Jeck is the biggest thigh fan in existence he literally loves your thighs he will eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner thighs thighs thighs. He also appreciates a nice personality- BUT THIGHS.

C = Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack?)

Jeck acts like cool man but is actually big softie he would be so nice to youuuuuuu. he's gonna do his best to support you <333 (and he's gonna do very good job at it because JECK)

D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o?)

Honestly he's a pretty simple man when it comes to imagining his future, he just wants to settle down and enjoy a peaceful life with you and your thighs. Also thighs

E = Equal (are they the more dominant one in the relationship? Or are they more passive?)

He really wants to think of himself as the top and genuinely believes that he can't possibly be bottom at all but he's a certified switch and you can't tell me otherwise (keep it sfw keep it sfw) Like he'll be dominant and infertile sometimes but secretly enjoys being submissive and breedable (he's a yae miko main need I say more?)

F = Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)

Jeck is the kind of person who is simply just way to mature to get into petty fights so he'd have to be genuinely mad to get into a fight :( He's so nice it's like hard for me to even imagine- But if you did get into a fight he's probably be the mature one and try to move past it quickly as possible (as long as you didn't do anything too terrible ^^ pls don't hurt this man I'm begging you)

G = Gratitude (how grateful are they overall? Are they aware of the things their s/o does for them?)

HE'S SUPER GRATEFUL TRUST ME ON THIS. Jeck is a dum dum with self esteem lower than my french grade and he's genuinely shocked you think of him so highly (jeck don't lie you have such low self esteem :<) He's really appreciative of everything you do for him, even the smallest things will make him die

H = Honesty (do they have secrets they keep from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)

Jeck doesn't really strike me as the kinda person who would keep too many secrets (other than his address :/ (IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME EHEHEHEHE)) he probably won't tell you if something is wrong tho because he doesn't want you to worry

I = Inspiration (has their s/o changes them in any way?)

For the most part- no. But having a kind s/o probably boosted his self confidence by a lot and maybe one day he will finally stop talking badly about himself <3 (I BELIVE IN YOU JECK)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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