Celene awoke, nestled into Din's side, the pale blue of the sky overhead mixed with the fading pinks and yellows of dawn.
She laid quietly, watching the sunrise and listening to the steady breathing of Din beside her. She savored the moment, knowing this likely would be the last of it. Her future was blurry now, the outcome unclear.
In truth, she had told Din she didn't wish to discuss their plans anymore because she already knew what she needed to do. She already knew what was going to happen. The challenge lay in telling him. And her father, she supposed.
And saying goodbye.
She allowed herself to dwell on these thoughts a little longer before she propped herself up on her elbows, taking in the hardened features of Din's face, the faint stubble that was scattered across his cheeks. Then, ever so softly, she brushed the strands of hair from his forehead, letting her fingers linger before resting her palm on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. She took in a breath and used the Force to lull his mind into a deep sleep. She felt his pulse slow.
Shoving away the nausea of using the Force on Din like that, Celene stood and pulled on her pants and shirt, and grabbed her jacket. She made for the woods, slipping into the shadows between the trees. About half a mile from the ship, the trees emptied out into a clearing where Luke was already waiting for her.
He turned, sensing her presence, hands tucked into the sleeves of his dark robes. The damp grass crunched softly under her feet and she came to a stop beside him.
Her father spoke first. "I suppose it will be useless to try to talk you out of this."
The breeze rustled strands of her hair. "You should know as well as anyone this is the only solution. This is the only way to keep everyone safe and the damage at a minimum."
Luke sighed deeply. "Yes." He looked at her. "You know you will never see them again."
The words struck deep but Celene had already been building up her walls, readying herself for this. For the inevitable. She lifted her chin. "This is my fault. I never should have got involved with Grogu and... the Mandalorian in the first place. I'm the only one who can stop this. It is my burden to bear."
"Celene, it's not your fault- you were taken as a child-"
"It doesn't matter how I got here. These mistakes can only be righted by me," she said, turning to look into her father's face. "It will take a monster to destroy a monster."
Realization dawned in her father's clear eyes. "You mean to fulfill the ancient rite."
She nodded, not even wanting to voice the words out loud. "It is the only way."
"Let me come with you-"
"No." Her voice was sharp. "No. You have to teach your students. The next generation."
"And what of the Mandalorian? You know he will not allow you to go alone."
"That is not his choice to make. These matters do not involve him."
"You're going to leave him here."
She didn't answer, only slowly building up that stone wall inside herself, piece by piece. Shutting everything out. "It is the only way." She said finally.
The sun began to rise fully over the lake in the distance, the rays shimmering off the water. Celene turned to Luke. "I must go. Din will come to find you after I leave, I am sure."
Pain glinted in Luke's eyes but they did not embrace. He bowed his head to her. "May the Force be with you."
Celene returned the gesture. "And also with you."

Fragments of the Dark
FanfictionCelene and Din have become partners reluctantly due to a series of unfortunate events. However, they soon both learn they're better off as a pair rather than navigating the bounty hunting world alone. But when they take a job shrouded in mystery...