Chapter Forty-Three

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Celene unleashed her power.

She ripped free every tether and limit she had ever created. She tore through every barrier and wall she had built. Her power was endless, a void of darkness, a chasm of rage and hate and pain and passion and fury.

And in the gaps of her own power, she felt the thousands of Sith rallying behind her, imbuing her being with their own chaos and fury. She shuddered as she felt the full weight of the Darkside rally around her.

And then she let it tear out of her and slam into the Emperor.

She wasn't sure what form her power took, what ability it could be classified as if there even was one. Not a Force Maelstrom but not Force Destruction or Force Scream either.

Rather a combination of all the abilities combined as the roar of it filled the cavern. Lightning shattered the darkness, the very air going taut as the Darkside solidified around them. The Emperor roared his rage but it was futile.

The power poured from her, slamming into his old, haunched figure, blowing his hood off to reveal the sickly white of his skin. He screamed, the skin on his face flaying away slowly, ashes scattering into the wind.

Celene pressed harder, tearing more of the power from her, every memory of the pain and fear he inflicted fueling her. The broken body of her mother, the final dying breaths of her aunt, the sorrow and regret in her father's eyes. Everything the Emperor had done, she let it fuel her. The Darkside roared in response.

Her Master gasped in one last breath, taking in her face, the glow of her eyes, and the line of Sith behind her, all with the hands raised towards him as one.

And then he was gone, his body disintegrating, dust floating around them.

Celene gasped, yanking her power back. She dropped to one knee, her legs suddenly trembling.

"Celene-" Din was there, his hand on her arm.

"Din-" she searched his body for wounds. "Are you alright?" She reached to press her hand to his face.

He removed his helmet with a click, setting it aside. Blood smeared his face, a jagged cut above his eyebrow still bleeding. He gripped her hand. "I'm fine."

She let out a breath, relief shuddering through her. He helped her stand.

"You must take the throne." The voice came from behind them both. The shadowy figure of a Sith stood there, dark robes moving around him on a phantom wind. "You are Empress now."

Celene swallowed. "Darth Plageuis."

The figure inclined its head. "The throne is yours, Lord Keres. You have proved yourself as Sith. We are loyal to you."

Celene flexed her fingers, the thrill of the power still humming within her. She could feel it. "I will rule differently than him."

Darth Plageuis clasped his hands within his robes. "Your rule is yours to do with as you please. No law dictates you must rule as Palpatine did. Follow the Sith Code and restore the Sith to their once great Empire."

Celene gave a shallow nod and slowly turned to face the throne, hewn from the rock of the Sith temple itself. She climbed the stairs, pausing before the seat to close her eyes.

She would not be like him. Her reign would be different.

Celene swept her robes from behind her and sat on the throne.

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