Chapter 1

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While I stand outside and freeze my ass off, I'm looking at my so-called boyfriend with my arms folded. I'm also tapping my foot dramatically on the stone cold ground. It's while he's just sitting there, in the driver's seat of his car. He's staring, waiting for me to decide to either get back in that car or walk away forever. All I can do is stand here. It's with tears streaming down my face. I don't know what to do. I want him to be with me. It's just I don't think he feels the same way as I do.

"Freddie, get back in the car! Now! I'm fucking serious with this shit. You can either get back in this car or I'm leaving your arse here! Choose, now!"
I'm still looking at him, and my legs are twitching. I don't know what to do.

"Gil! You promised you wouldn't see her again. You promised! You fucking PROMISED ME!"

I'm losing my cool now, and I feel like I'm dying inside. He promised he wouldn't talk to Patty, his ex-girlfriend ever again. He'd promised he loved me, and not her. Yet tonight, she again showed her skank arse up at his buddy's house party. She was there, drinking, having a wonderful time. All the while sitting side by side, until she walked in and my stomach dropped. Just seeing her standing there made my blood boil. Every time I'd see her, I die a little inside. This kills me because she won't leave him alone. It's like she's claimed him, and she has no intention of ever saying goodbye. Not anytime soon anyway. So, we sat for a little while, but eventually, I needed to go to the bathroom. I sat for ages, not wanting to go. I thought the longer I sat with him, the less chance of her going anywhere near him. Let's just say I failed. I did because as soon as I returned, I saw her. She was perched by his side, and he looked pretty happy to have her stay there, too. I just stood there, watching them looking cosy. Hell, a little too cosy for my liking. Honestly, I didn't like it. Not one bit. So what did I do? I hear you ask. Well, I spotted a glass sitting on a unit set, just by the side of me. After taking a deep breath, I chucked the fucker across the room. It landed by his feet. As soon as his eyes snapped to mine, I turn on my heels and ran the hell out of there. Yeah, I ran because I couldn't watch. It hurt too much. Every time I'd see them together, it hurt. Just knowing she'll never leave him alone kills me.
What kills me more is how he allows her to do it, while I have to stand there and watch it happen. I'm stood there watching, screaming in my head for him to see me. I just want someone to see me the person inside, not the body. They only see the body and that's it. Well, it's like that with him anyway, only because he never listens to me especially if I try to talk to him. All he ever wants to do is mess around. That's it. Every time I try to talk about it, he'll skirt around it. Then he'll kiss me, distracting me in what I want to say. I allow it to happen too. Every bastarding time!

"Freddie, I swear, nothing happened with me and her. We were just talking, and that's it you're too paranoid! Now get in the fucking car!"

Paranoid? Is he shitting me? He's just looking at me while I'm looking back at him. I feel myself shake whilst also feeling so mad he'd even say this. This stare off is like a battle of wills, and we're both daring each other to end this. Yet, before I can even say anything to him he whacks his steering wheel. He also says "fuck this" and then pulled away. He left me stood there, stunned. I'm shocked that he'd decided for me. I stand here, watching him as his tail lights get smaller. He carried on, driving into the distance. I'm shocked and broken.

"Well, I guess that's that then, huh?"

After thirty minutes of standing there, I realise he's not coming back. So I just take in a deep breath and then walked making my way back home. Yet, wearing heels for a walk that could take a few hours to walk. Oh, and not forgetting, after one in the morning, too. Well, it's never a good idea. So yes, I've resorted to removing them. Not only are they throbbing, but I'm feeling blisters forming on them, too. So not only is my heart hurting but now my feet are too all the while I'm crying like a baby. I'm crying so much. I'm surprised I can see where I'm going. My tears are coming fast. I'm also cold. Naturally, it doesn't help with only wearing a dress. "Oh, babes, put that sexy dress on for me. You know, my favourite one. The one I like to see you in. You'll look amazing in it when I show you off to my friends."
Yeah, that's what the prick said, pretending to care. Ha yeah, you care don't you? I mean, you've dumped me in the middle of nowhere, by myself. It's so late, and he's left me to make my way home. It's with no money or my phone, too. Yep, you guessed it. It's all in his car! Oh yeah, he cares, doesn't he! Prick! I'm twenty-two years old and I've known Gil Dodd for a while now about three months', to be precise. We met through a friend at Demi's Strip Club. Yes, you heard me. I work in a strip club and no before you ask. I don't strip. I'm just a server, but having big tits and a perky arse is part of the job description.

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