Chapter 9

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Joseph woke up. He and the others had spent the night in a camper van which had been left on the side of the road. It was missing two wheels but it was warm inside. Every car they had checked either had no petrol or it was broken. They had to travel on foot. Joseph woke the others. They had to get home as soon as they could as there wasn't much supplies left. The others grabbed their weapons and they set off again. It was warm today. The sun felt good. They didn't have much to go. They'd be home before midday Joseph thought.


Later that day, Joey, Alan and Stan were preparing to leave. They had grabbed a few things from the bungalow they were in. Joey opened the front door quietly. Stan walked out first, weapon in hand. Alan shut the door behind him.

Joey ran forward and took out a psycho that was close. The others didn't notice. Joey, Alan and Stan began running quietly down the path. The psychos still didn't notice.

Suddenly, a dog ran out of a building barking. It was getting chased by some psychos. The noise caused the big group of psychos to turn round.Then they saw Joey, Alan and Stan. The psychos ran forward.

"SHIT!" Alan shouted as the turned and ran into one of the office buildings.

Joey and Stan followed. They ran through the doorway which didn't contain any doors. The psychos followed them in. The trio ran up the stairway to the second floor. They didn't have time to barricade the stairway. They continued to the third floor, then the fourth. They were stuck. The psychos kept coming at them. Joey kicked the closest one at the top of the stairs away. The others kept coming, Alan slashed at them. Stan tried but he wasn't as able because of his concussion. However, Stan did try and find a way out. The windows were obviously and option. The psychos were starting to overpower them and Stans hope was starting to go.


"So, can I have some of the extra rations?" Rita asked Samuel who was putting on his clothes.

"Hmm, Let me think.... you weren't as good as I thought you'd be." Samuel said scratching his beard.

Rita was angry.

"What the fuck! You better give me the rations, I fucking gave you a blowing!" She shouted. Samuel laughed.

"Hmm, maybe,I don't know."

"GET OUT!" Rita shouted pointing to the door. Samuel got up but before, he left he said. "If you tell anyone what happened... you wont be alive to get any rations at all.

Rita lay down in her bed, she was angry. She wanted to hurt Samuel.
But she knew she wouldn't and if she did she could get kicked out of the group. After all, it was Samuel that had helped the group out by bringing them here. Rita felt guilty aswell. Her boyfriend had died near the start of the disaster.
She hadn't made love with another person since. She couldn't believe what she had done. She tried convincing herself that it was okay because she was meant to get extra rations. She still couldn't believe what she had done.
Eventually, she got dressed and had breakfast still angrier at herself than she had ever been.

They saw the road. Joseph and the group had got back to the road where the apartment buildings were.
They were home. Joseph knew it wouldn't be that easy as he saw a huge group of psychos gathered around an office building. He could see there was more inside through the windows. He realised that there must be people in the building. Then he thought of Stan, Alan and Joey.
"Guys, look." He said pointing at the building.
"Good, we can sneak past and get home." Kai said smiling.
"Wait, there's probably people in there." Lisa said.
Cathy gasped. "What if it's Joey, Alan and Stan?"
Jay frowned.
"Never a fucking dull moment." He muttered.
"We have to draw the psychos away." Joseph said.
"Well, the psychos seem to be up a the top floor, so we can go into the building next to this one and see who's inside. They're most likely at the top because the psychos are around there." Cathy said quickly.
"Yeah that sounds about right, and we could maybe make a bridge to a window from another window to get them out. And then we could lock all the psychos inside the building they're already in. Problem solved." Kai said smiling.
"Well, let's try it anyways."
The group ran to the building next to the office building. Kai and Lisa stayed at the ground floor to keep their way out clear. Joseph, Cathy and Jay ran to the top floor, then they saw a ladder leading to the roof of the building. The top floor of the office building was about ten metres above the roof of the building they were in. The gap between the buildings wasn't much. Joseph saw Alan fighting off two psychos.
"ITS THEM!!" He shouted.
"ALAN, ALAN, LOOK!!!" They began shouting.
Jay threw a stone from the ground at the window nearest Alan. Alan noticed and looked. He saw them and smiled. He was clearly surprised. He grabbed Joey and Stan and began tugging them towards the window nearest Joseph, Jay and Cathy. The other two laughed. They began fighting psychopaths off but they seemed to have more energy this time.

Stan was laughing as he killed psychos. They were going to be okay he thought to himself. Joey and Alan pushed over a huge bookshelf on top of a group of unlucky psychos.
This gave Joey, Alan and Stan just enough time to break the window nearest Joseph.
"JUMP!" Joseph shouted.
Stan didn't need to be told twice. He jumped. The fall wasn't as hard as he'd expected. Alan went next, he jumped, his landing was a bit worse than Stans. He was alright though. Joey prepared to jump, psychos were right behind him, the began reaching out to him. He shrugged them off and jumped. He didn't jump far enough and he almost fell in the gap between the two buildings. Joseph, Jay and Cathy grabbed his arms as he tried to hold onto the edge of the building. They pulled him up. Psychos began trying to jump out the window to them but failed. They fell to the ground with a thud and a crack. One however almost made it but it just hit its head off the edge of the building. A bit of blood splattered the edge but nothing else.
Joseph shouted down to Kai and Lisa.
Kai and Lisa nodded and ran to the doors of the building next to them and shut them.
Joseph and the others made they're way down to the ground.
"Okay, let's move something in front of this door, it won't do much but it's something. He, Jay and Kai began pushing a nearby car that was badly burnt in front of the doors.
"Right, we'll deal with that another time." Joseph said. The group began walking back to their base. The way was clear now. The people carrying the supplies stayed in the middle as the others guarded them either side just in case. Finally, they made it to the apartment buildings, the sun was in the middle of the sky.
The group walked up to the doors. Making sure not to touch the barbed wire which was situated around the door.
Alan knocked on the door.
"Hey Samuel." Alan called.
"We're back."

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