Chapter 5

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"Well that was a waste." Said Cathy turning around and beginning to walk away.
"Stop." Joseph said maybe just a bit too loud. "We came all this way for the good of our group, for supplies, we are not giving up, okay?"
Cathy looked at him, a small tone of surprise on her face. Everybody was looking at her.
"Fine." She said walking back to them.
"Joseph, how are we going to get in without getting ripped apart." Jay asked.
"Well, if we get them out here, we can block the doors from the inside." Joseph suggested.
"Two things." Lisa began. "We would have to get into the control centre to block all the doors, then we'd have to get all those psychopaths out here. It would be a massacre!"
The others seemed to agree. Joseph needed Stan and Alan to be here at the moment. They'd do it. They'd have hope. Joseph looked at Jay. By the face he was making, Joseph knew he thought they should do it.
"I'll do it." Jay announced.
"What?" Lisa asked with surprise.
"I'll get them out here, you guys go to the control room."
"But... But, Jay you'll have to try and take on all of them and then you'd have to try and get through the doors before they close, the psychopaths will get you." Cathy complained.
"Are you doubting me?" Jay asked her.
"No, I'm just worried about what might happen."
"Well, I'm doing it, so you can't stop me." Jay said with a tone that meant he was done talking.
Joseph, Lisa, Cathy and Kai his behind an abandoned truck on the path. Jay looked over at them and then began running across the street. A few psychopaths saw him and followed immediately. Jay began shouting and throwing rubbish and rubble over at the others. Eventually tons of psychopaths began flooding out of the shop. They charged at Jay who turned and began to run. Some of the psychopaths had weapons. Jay slowed down to let them catch up. Cathy looked scared, she was worried about Jay. She stood there watching him run. She then looked away as Lisa grabbed her arm.
"We're going in." She whispered.
The four of them sprinted towards the shop, there was only a few psychopaths that didn't follow Jay. They immediately attacked Joseph, Cathy, Lisa and Kai. Kai threw his hatchet at one. The weapon flew through the air and got stuck in the unlucky psychopaths chest. It stumbled, Kai kicked it over and wrenched the hatchet from its chest and then drove it into the centre of its skull. Cathy and Lisa took out two more. Lisa poking its eye out with her crowbar and Cathy semi decapitating the other one with her meat cleaver. Joseph stabbed one with his spear. The tip of the spear came out the other side of the psychopaths chest. Joseph yanked the spear out and stabbed the psychopath with his knife. The knife entered its eye and when it came out, so did part of its brain. Joseph was sickened by this. The group kept going, chopping and stabbing psychopaths as they went. Cathy's shoes were covered in blood. Lisa ran forward into the shop and ran up the non working escalator. She kept going, the shop was empty, apart from a few lone psychopaths. Joseph and Cathy stayed downstairs. Joseph was waiting at the front doors of the shopping centre to see if he could spot Jay. He was looking for a whole minute when he saw a speck in the distance, slowly becoming a spot, then a blob, then a figure, then a faceless person, then Joseph could hear shouting. It was Jay. Joseph didn't understand what he was saying. But then he noticed that there was other figures a bit behind him. A huge group of them. Psychopaths.

Lisa and Kai were trying to find out how to close all the doors. They didn't know what button to press.
"Wait, look." Said Kai pointing at one of the security camera screens. Joseph seemed to be motioning to someone outside as he was waving out the door. Lisa just stared. Then it hit her. Jay was back.
"Quickly, go down and help them, I'll try to close the doors." Lisa said to Kai. Kai nodded and ran out the door.

Jay was running as fast as he could. The oncoming psychopaths were traveling very fast as well. Joseph saw one was getting very close. Jay was nearly at the shop. Joseph was starting to relax a bit when there was a clanking noise and there was steel doors slowly coming down from the canopy over the doors. The shopping centre was about to go into lockdown.

Kai burst back into the control room. Lisa jumped.
"What did you do!?" He shouted.
"What?" Lisa asked very confused.
"You locked all the doors, they're coming down and Jay's not back yet. He mightn't get in!"
"What, I locked the doors!?" Lisa asked surprised.
"Yeah, you did, how do you not know that!?" Kai asked getting more annoyed and worried by the minute.
"I just pressed a load of buttons, I didn't know which one, I - I didn't mean - I!" Lisa stammered.
"Well, it doesn't matter now!!!"
Kai darted out of the room and sprinted downstairs.

The doors were going down pretty slowly but there wasn't a long distance down. Kai had come down to them. Joseph now had to crouch to see out. Jay was sprinting. Cathy and Kai were shouting. The psychopaths were moaning. Joseph, Cathy and Kai were trying to hold up the steel doors. They weren't succeeding. Jay was just outside now. The psychopath that was close to him before was now behind him. Jay took a leap, so did the psychopath. Joseph saw his chance. He only had one choice. He took a huge risk. He threw his knife at the psychopath. The knife skimmed Jay's arm and hit the psychopath in the neck. Jay landed and rolled under the steel doors. The psychopath fell back. It began trying to crawl under the doors. It just got its head through when the doors suddenly fell the small part of the way down to the ground. The weight of the steel doors burst the psychopaths head open. Blood splattered Jays legs and feet. Joseph's knife lay on the ground with the blade stuck under the doors. Joseph tugged it out and sat down against the doors. Cathy was on her knees. Jay was still lying down, his arm had been grazed from the fall. He was panting, the run had been tough. Kai was leaning against the doors. He and Joseph both jumped as there was a huge bang on the other side of the doors. The other psychopaths had obviously arrived. Jay began laughing, still panting. Then Joseph started laughing, the Cathy and even Kai gave a short chortle. For the first time in a while, they laughed. And it felt good.

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