Chapter 3

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Jay ran just behind Joseph who was going pretty fast. There was no one in sight but he hoped too soon as a crowd of people emerged from a house, some armed with all sorts of sharp weapons.
"PSYCHOPATHS!" He roared.
The people ran towards them. Joseph dodged one and drove his 'spear' into another one's chest. It fell to the ground with Joseph's weapon sticking out of it. Blood was spurting from the wound. Blood was also coming from it's mouth. Jay hated the suffering so he went over and drove his axe into it's head, finishing it. Joseph yanked his weapon out of the 'psychopath' and continued fighting. Jay smashed his axe into the side of one's head. The axe went so deep it was hard to pull it out. Cathy had got another one in the side of the neck leaving its head half on/half off. Jay saw Alan and Joey fighting back to back. Joey had an advantage as he had a longer weapon. This stopped the 'psychopaths' from getting too close. Alan was having trouble as he was only using a combat knife. Jay went over to help him. The three of them fought in a triangle formation. They were mowing the psychopaths down. Cathy and Lisa were fighting side by side. Joseph, Stan and Kai were fighting by themselves. Jay knew that Stan shouldn't be as he had the same weapon as Alan. Joseph was fighting ruthlessly. He wasn't being careful enough though as the psychopaths kept getting really close before he managed to kill them just in time.
"WE NEED TO GATHER EVERYONE!" Jay shouted over the commotion.
"OKAY!" Joey replied. So he, Alan and Jay began making their way towards Kai, who was closest to them. He joined them immediately. They began making their way towards Cathy and Lisa. They looked like they didn't need help but they went to them anyway.
"Where's Joseph and Stan?" Asked Lisa.
"I don't know." Jay replied. He was worried for them both as they were both great friends.
Then he saw Joseph falling beneath a heap of psychopaths. He almost died with shock. Then everything seemed to go quiet. All he could think about was what was happening to Joseph. What he did next was pretty stupid. He ran into the heap of psychopaths, chopping and hacking away at them. He heard Cathy scream. He heard Joey shout 'NOOO!'
Joseph held four psychopaths off him at the same time with much difficulty. He couldn't shout. He didn't have it in him. His 'spear' was on the ground about a meter away from him. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't let go of one of the psychopaths unless he wanted to get killed. He didn't know what happened next but all he saw was an opening in the psychopaths. Light shone through. He thought he was dead and that he was going to be taken away. Instead he saw an axe getting drove into the psychopath closest to him. Then he saw Jay. His heart lifted. He wasn't going to die. Not yet. Jay killed the psychopath that he was holding off with his right hand. He instantly tried to grab his 'spear'. He was so close to it. Then with a burst of strength and energy he pushed all the psychopaths off him and grabbed his 'spear'. The psychopaths he'd just pushed away were coming again but he managed to hold the three of them of with the length of his 'spear'. He didn't know why other psychopaths didn't attack him while he was in this position. Then he realized why. Jay was still fighting, more viciously than ever. He was surrounded by dead bodies. Joseph then managed a burst of strength and energy again. He held the psychopaths off with one hand on the 'spear', he grabbed his spare knife and drove it into one of the psychopath's heads. He drove the knife, into the other ones head, to the hilt. Joseph understood what the strength and energy was. The urge to live. There was one psychopath left. He kicked it off him and stood up. He then threw the spear as hard as he could. It went into the psychopath's shoulder. It fell to it's knees. Joseph then went over and stabbed it in the eye. Jay was still fighting ruthlessly. Joseph fought by him. Cathy, Joey, Lisa, Kai and Alan made their way towards them. They were now in a killing circle. Joseph was aching.
"Where's Stan?" Cathy asked sounding distressed.
Stan was fighting by himself, he couldn't see his group. He thought they might have left him. He almost began to panic when another psychopath came at him. He killed it effortlessly. He tried to stay calm. That was his thing. He was the calm one. Then thoughts of his family flooded him. His mother and father smiling as he opened a Christmas present. His father watching him cycle on his new bike. His sisters squabbling over an ice cream which was then given to him. His mother carrying his birthday cake into the living room for his 9th birthday. His dog fetching a tennis ball every time he threw it. His older sister in her new dress for her first disco. His younger sister on her first day of school and his youngest sister going on her first sleepover in a pink onesie. Tears came to his eyes. He missed them all so much.

Then he saw Cathy running towards him. He laughed. They hadn't left him. All Stan saw next was a cricket bat coming towards him. Then everything went black.

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