Chapter 11

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- Angie, - whispered German, entering the house and seeing a girl who was sitting on the bed, listened to music and chatted feet. Seeing the man and putting the phone aside, she sprang up and running with your bare feet on the floor, pounced on the man with a hug.

- German! - she hung from his neck. - I thought I was already nobody will take, - Saramego stood on the floor and pouted lips, crossing his arms.

- You all right? - Angeles so vividly acted as if nothing had happened. But, looking closer, he noticed that she had a bandaged hand, and on the face along the contour was a huge scratch that ran from the temple and almost to the chin. German gently ran her finger along the scratch, noticing that she doesn't wince.

- I feel wonderful, and they don't want to release me from the chamber! - she continued to tell the girl. German completely confused. This behavior is not typical for ladies. Something is definitely wrong..

- I go to a doctor and tell them to I take you, and then we'll go home, okay? - he said gently, holding her by the shoulders.

- Yes, and thank you for coming to get me, - Angie hugged him again, burying his nose in his chest. Without their favorite heels she was much shorter than men. Hermann kissed her on the head and went in search of a doctor.

Fifteen minutes passed in the shuffle. The hospital seemed deserted. No doctors, no nurses or anyone else who could help him in the search.

- Man, visiting hours is over, you should leave the hospital, - came a voice behind him. The doctor, seeing that the visitor is obviously not local, immediately decided to address him in English.

- I... I came to pick up Angie... Angeles Saramego, - cough, said Castillo.

- Follow me, - the man looked at German and led him hospital on confusing maze.

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