never seen you so red.

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work couldn't get more hectic for the bunny looking male. reviewing files, entering data, submitting deadlines; he was exhausted.

and to add more to it, he was coming home to no one. his boyfriend was away on a business trip for eight months. he had adjusted to the separation for six months now, he really can't anymore.

unlocking the door of their apartment, he took of his shoes, and kept his bag in a corner. plopping the keys into the bowl, he went to the couch and sat down. rubbing his temples, he let out a deep sigh.

he stared long and deep onto their photo frame that was hanging on the wall in front. a smile made its way onto his face as he got up to change into something homely.

all along, he didn't notice the fond smiles of a certain someone in the balcony.


jungkook, after having taken a shower, came to the living room again. just that this time, he had a glass of wine with him. he was quite amused at the lessening in the amount.

am i drinking too much?

he walked up to the balcony to see a figure of a man leaning on the railing. he squeaked, then realised that the figure was familiar. tears pooled up in his eyes as he quietly kept the wine glass down.

slowly, he wrapped his arms around the man. he could feel his tears soaking the latter's clothes, but he could care less about that now.

"taehyungie hyung..." he called out, voice cracking as the said one turned around with a smile. taehyung could only aw at how tiny the younger one had gotten, and how pretty he was up close.

the older one wrapped his arm around jungkook's waist, and slowly caressed his cheeks with his other.

"love, i missed you," he said, pressing a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. jungkook couldn't hold back anymore, he sobbed.

"would you have to go back again? please don't, it's been too hard without you," he pleaded, glassy eyes looking up at the older with hope.

"i'm not going anywhere darling, we finished it early. and i can't be without you anymore," taehyung sniffled, fingers slowly raking through jungkook's hair.

"i love you hyungie."

"i love you too jungkookie."


"and then we shall go to london together! or maybe paris! how about rome? i want to visit so many places with you!" jungkook giggled as he rambled on and on about their future plans.

they were currently back inside, with jungkook sitting on the kitchen counter as taehyung stood between his legs. they both had their own glasses of wine, slowly sipping drop by drop.

catching up about the past six months took much time, and they seemed to not care. could listen to each other's rambles all day.

"we could go to paris, but i don't know if we'd be able to see anything," taehyung said, a sly smirk on his lips as he watched the younger.

"why is that?" jungkook asked, curiously pouting, eyebrows scrunched as he thought deeply for an answer.

"because i'll be loving you all day that you'll be blinded with it. and then you won't be able to see anything but me and my love for you."

jungkook huffed and giggled, turning into a literal tomato under the older's words. he continuously slapped taehyung's chest, refusing to make eye contact.

"oh lord! even my wine isn't as red as you," taehyung chuckled, pecking jungkook's cheeks.

jungkook just pouted, crossing his arms, and looked away. he was quite surprised when he felt soft lips on his. forgetting all about whatever happened before, he kissed back.

arms gently wrapped around his waist as his own wrapped around taehyung's neck. it had been too long without physical affection that they both couldn't stop.

slowly pulling out, they fondly smiled, forehead touching together as they still hugged. moments like these were something that cheered up their whole mood.

"i love you," they whispered, lips touching again. love never seemed to stop.

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