﹝04﹞letter three.

5 1 0

[insert street], Tokyo, Japan

dear kenma,

merry christmas!!

me and my family just wandered
around and explore today, it was very

we also went to see dogs in the pet shop,
and they were SO SO cute!! i was
really pulling myself to not ask my parents
to buy us a dog :( but sadly, my sister's
allergic to dogs so we can't :<

aw man, i wish i could adopt one :((

but anyways, don't keep playing games
on your switch, okay? >:(

i know i'm not there to remind you
anymore but remember to always take
breaks from playing on your switch!
it's bad for your health if you play on
it 24/7 :( [a/n: is it bad that i am on my
phone every 20/5]

either way, how about you?
how did your christmas go?
I hope you're having fun!! ♡︎


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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