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Khia Monique Nicole

"Khia!!" I heard my birthgiver yell

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"Khia!!" I heard my birthgiver yell. "Ma'am!?" I yelled back. She didn't answer me so I repeated it. Yet this heffa ain't answer me. I got up out my bed and started fighting the air. "This damn lady here." I mumbled. "Whatchu say? Lil girl don't get popped!"

"Oh so you can hear that but don't here me saying ma'am?" I thought.

I walked out my room and down the stairs with a mug on my face. "Girl you best fix yo damn face for I fix it for you." My ma said rolling her eyes. I mentally rolled my eyes and sat down next to her.

"Anyways baby, we're moving to Raleigh, North Carolina!" She said. A small smile started to spread across my face. My soul was over here jumping around and shit. "Finally! We're leaving this horrible place called Compton!" I smiled and said.

"Mhm now the only twist is that you got your own house girl. Now get your ass upstairs and go pack your room up, trying to leave as soon as possible." My ma said.

I held my chest wiping my imaginary tears and rolled my eyes at my mama. I got up and went back upstairs to my room and started packing everything up. I took my LED lights off the wall also.

"Ain't nobody getting no damn LED lights for free. Shits was expensive for this big ass room. I'll just put some super glue on these shits when I get to NC." I thought.

I finished packing up my stuff in my room then went into the my bathroom and started packing up my shit that was in there. I started thinking about how it would be when I finally start to live by myself. "Lowkey excited." I thought.

I finished packing up my bathroom and my room then went to carry what felt like 55 boxes down the stairs. "Khia can u start packing up the stuff in the kitchen?!" My mom yelled from her room.

"Yes ma'am!" I yelled back. I started packing up the stuff in the kitchen and when I was finished, I went to lay on my bed. I pulled out my phone seeing it was 4:30 pm. I went to my mama's room and told her I was going to be right back.

"Ma, im finna go to the corner sto. I'll be back. You want some snacks?" I asked. "Naw baby, gon head and go and you better bring your ass right the fuck back too." She said sternly. I smiled and nodded then walked out the house.

I got in the car then drove to the store. I parked by a gas pump then went inside the store until I was stopped by crackhead Bob. "Hey lil sweet thing. Let me hold a dollor or two." He asked. "Bob get out my face. I don't got no money for you." I said walking in the store.

"Can I get a 20 on pump..uh.. hold up" I looked on the window trying to find the number. "On pump 5 please." I stated with a smile.

After I paid, I went to go pump the gas. While the gas was pumping, I went on instagram and seen the my favorite rapper Toosii was having a concert in Raleigh. I got excited because that's where im moving and its his last concert before he finish his tour. I finished pumping the gas then drove back home.

When I got home, I ran into my moms room telling her about it. "Ma!!!" I yelled. She looked at me crazy before answering me. "Girl what the hell you want." She asked.

"Okay sooo, Toosii the rapper is having a concert in Raleigh and im thinking about going and getting a backstage pass. "Girl I don't know now because we still got to pack and unpack when we get there." She said shaking her head. "Maaaaaa." I dragged out. "Please let me go, you know how much I love this man and his music!" I said basically begging. "Girl gone. Shit I don't give a damn no more. Annoying ass." She said rolling her eyes.

I jumped up with excitement. I kissed her cheek thanking her over and over. "Thank youu, thank youu, thank youuu!" I cheesed.

"Girl get yo ugly ass out my damn face." She mugged me. "Your so mean." I frowned.

"Old mean hag." I thought.

"Go put yo damn boxes in your car. That's what you can do. Hell." She said kicking me in my ass. I turned around and mugged the fuck out her.

"Damn cuh. Lady kick like a nigga." I thought as I rubbed the spot she kicked me at.

I went upstairs and started bringing my boxes down to put them in my car. I grabbed my mini fridge and put in on the floor in the passenger seat. I got most of my funiture and put it in the car then locked my car up.

"Khia! Use my car to go to the U-haul place and go get a small U-haul!" My mama said. I walked back out the door fighting the air.

"Shouldn't go get shit. Kicking me in my ass and shit." I thought.

I be saying shit in my head knowing damn well I ain't finna say it to her face. Then the lady got good ass hearing. Shit I am too old for a damn whooping.

I got in the car and drove to the place. I grabbed a U-haul and went my ass right back home. Im finna take a shower and lay down when I get back cause chile I am tired as hell.

Hey babiess. I been ghost when it came to writing books. I just don't be feeling like writing honsetly. But imma come back yall. Hope yall enjoyed this first chapter and I hope yall ready cause yall gone be shocked throughout the story. Anyways yall best vote and comment. Preciate it.

©AalaniiLove 2022

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